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Wordly Wise 3.

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1 Wordly Wise 3

2 Day 1 Copy the definition for each word
Day 1 Copy the definition for each word. Make sure to include the part of speech. Admonish- V. To warn. Aghast- Adj. Struck with horror, shocked. Annihilate- V. To Destroy completely; to reduce to utter ruin. Devious- Adj. Sneaky, not honest. Devoid- Adj. Lacking; empty; entirely without.

3 Day 2 Copy the definition for each word
Day 2 Copy the definition for each word. Make sure to include the part of speech. Heed- V. To pay attention to. Muse- V. To think about in a quiet , careful way. Plague- N. a deadly disease that spreads rapidly from person to person. Subside- V. To become quieter or less active. Wrath- N. Forceful anger, fury.

4 Day 3 Write a Synonym and Antonym for each word.
Devious Plague Subside

5 Friday Funny

6 Day 4 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word
Day 4 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word. Write the whole sentence. I was full of forceful anger, fury when my brother stole money from my room. I wanted to have mac n’ cheese for dinner, but the kitchen cabinet was lacking; empty; entirely without. Mrs. Russell waited for the student’s talking to become quieter or less active before she spoke.

7 Day 5 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word
Day 5 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word. Write the whole sentence. Make sure you wash your hands, there is a deadly disease that spreads rapidly from person to person going around. Make sure you pay attention to where you are going when you walk in the halls. My mother warned me not to stay out late, but I didn’t listen. Now I am grounded.

8 Day 6 Write a Synonym and Antonym for each word.
Muse Aghast Annihilate

9 Choose three vocabulary words and make a sentence for each word.
Day 7 Choose three vocabulary words and make a sentence for each word.

10 Day 8 Without looking, list as many vocab words and their definitions as you can. See if you can list all ten.

11 Friday Funny

12 Day 9 Write a sentence for each word:
Admonish Subside Wrath

13 Day 10 Draw a picture for each word:
Devious Heed Plague

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