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Vocabulary Lesson 3. Rescue workers admonished us to stay away from the flooding river.

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1 Vocabulary Lesson 3

2 Rescue workers admonished us to stay away from the flooding river.

3 Verb – to warn

4 The coach admonished me for missing practice

5 Verb – criticize gently Noun – admonition We remembered our parents admonition to stay close to the shore while swimming.

6 We were aghast at the photographs of the tsunami.

7 Adj. – struck with horror; shocked

8 General Custer's army of over 200 men was annihilated at the battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876.

9 Verb – to destroy completely; to reduce to utter ruin.

10 People who donated more than $100 were listed as benefactors of the library.

11 Noun – a person who provides help, especially by giving money.

12 An Academy Award is the highest honor Hollywood can bestow on an actress.

13 Verb – to gives as an honor; to present as a gift.

14 The climbers followed a devious route up the mountain.

15 Adj. –having many twists and turns; winding

16 This devious scheme was intended to take advantage of vulnerable people.

17 Adj. – sneaky; not frank or honest

18 Although he had experienced great misfortune, he was devoid of bitterness.

19 Adj. - Lacking; empty; entirely without.

20 The dad hopes his son will heed his advice.

21 Verb – to pay attention to Adj. - heedful Heedful of the fog, I drove slowly. Adj. – heedless They went ahead with their trip, heedless of our warnings

22 Achilles, a hero in Greek mythology, had a goddess for a mother and a mortal for a father.

23 Noun – a human being, especially as contrasted with a god.

24 Martin Luther King Jr. received a mortal wound delivered by an assassin in 1968.

25 Adj. – causing death; fatal.

26 Indiana Jones has a mortal fear of snakes.

27 Adj – very severe

28 He mused over whether to sell the house.

29 Verb – to think about in a quiet, careful way.

30 Rosa Park was a pioneer in the civil rights movement.

31 Noun - A person who goes before others and opens the way for them to follow. Verb - pioneered

32 Those who could afford it fled to the country to escape the great plague of 1665.

33 Noun – a deadly disease that spreads rapidly from person to person.

34 After the tryouts, I was plagued by doubts that I would make the varsity team.

35 Verb – to cause distress or suffering

36 After the rain stopped, the floodwaters gradually subsided.

37 Verb – to sink to a lower level. Verb – to become quieter or less active The baby’s sobs gradually subsided.

38 She tried to ignore the unwitting insult, but his comment hurt her just the same.

39 Adj. – not done on purpose; unintended

40 It says in the Bible that envy and wrath shorten life.

41 Noun – forceful anger; fury Adj. – wrathful A wrathful Achilles sought revenge on the killer of his friend.

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