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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 7/22/2014

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 7/22/2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 7/22/2014
WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 7/22/2014

2 Core Programs Amends/reauthorizes 4 programs
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 Rehabilitation Act of 1973

3 Key Changes Alignment across partners including : Performance
Increased focus on employers Increased focus on People who have disabilities Increased focus on career paths

4 WIOA funding While WIOA allows for many exciting changes, and requires others, it comes without any additional funding. State VR agencies have to decide how to allocate funds to serve the largest number of eligible consumers. CT- Order of Selection presently open and will likely change in the next 12 months. MSD.

5 Transition Places significant emphasis on serving students and youth with disabilities by increasing opportunities to practice and improve workplace skills, including internships and apprenticeships. Promotes participation in postsecondary education in high demand jobs and careers, including STEM. Requires 15% set aside of Federal VR funds to provide pre-employment transition Adds pre-employment transition services (PETS) Strengthens coordination between VR and LEAs for services provided under IDEA and PETS

6 Transition – in CT 10 BRS Level Up Counselors assigned to HS students only (10 less adult service counselors, -14%) Contracts for new pre-employment transition services for HS students

7 Pre-employment Transition Services
job exploration counseling; work-based learning experiences (including internships); counseling; work readiness; instruction in self-advocacy, including peer mentoring Funds cannot be used for administrative costs.

8 Supported Employment Individuals age 24 or younger may not begin work paying subminimum wage unless the individual has completed, and produces documentation indicating completion of each of the following: Received PETS or transition services under IDEA, and Applied for VR services and found ineligible for services, or Eligible for VR services but has not been successful and has been provided career counseling, I&R to other appropriate resources

9 Implications for Consumers
Sub Minimum Wage – Individuals will have access to VR Services where they didn’t before because they wouldn’t have been referred to BRS by others partners. All people who earn subminimum wage will have annual career counseling to encourage them to move into competitive , integrated employment. Supported Employment & Extended Services – Supports and services may be available for a longer period of time. 50 % of SE funds are allocated to youth may impact available funds for other consumers. Some states have ended subminimum wage employment Priority to consumers who are employed and at risk of losing job.

10 Dual Customer VR required to use real-time Labor Market Information with consumers in career counseling Required to meet local employers’ workforce needs

11 Questions? Ph#

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