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PRESENTING: Bill East, Executive Director, NASDSE Steve Wooderson, CEO, CSAVR May 5, 2015 Capacity Building Institute – Impact of Workforce Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTING: Bill East, Executive Director, NASDSE Steve Wooderson, CEO, CSAVR May 5, 2015 Capacity Building Institute – Impact of Workforce Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTING: Bill East, Executive Director, NASDSE Steve Wooderson, CEO, CSAVR May 5, 2015 Capacity Building Institute – Impact of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) CSAVR/NASDSE – Collaboration on the implementation of the new transition requirements in WIOA

2 Temperature CSAVR Clear intent to increase VR role in transition Competitive Integrated Employment and STEM WIOA vs IDEA Student vs Youth with Disability Demand on resources NASDSE College & career ready Competitive Integrated Employment ESEA then IDEA Services required at age 16 SSIP/RDA/Determinatio ns

3 Where Are We in the WIOA and NPRM Process? WIOA signed July 22, 2015 Informal comment period Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) Issued April 16, 2015 Comments due June 15, 2015

4 Section 422, WIOA: “In General” The Designated State Unit, in collaboration with LEA shall: provide or arrange pre-employment transition services (PETS) for all Students With Disabilities who are eligible or potentially eligible for services All students with disabilities served must be determined eligible by VR.

5 NPRM Summary Expands population and services to youth and students 15% set aside for Pre Employment Transition Services Designed to provide a continuum of VR services Pre Employment Transition Services to any student with a disability, even if not yet applied for services Permits for services to youth with disabilities prior to seeking intensive VR services

6 NPRM Summary (2) In sum, VR is to provide a range of services, from basic to intensive individualized services. “Nothing…reduces the obligation under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act…of a local educational agency or any other agency to provide or pay for any transition services that are also considered special education or related services and that are necessary for ensuring a free appropriate public education to children with disabilities...”

7 NPRM Summary Student With a Disability Not younger than the earliest age for transition services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Is not older than 21 (or the state’s maximum age) Is an individual with a disability on 504 plan Youth With a Disability Is not younger than 14 Is not older than 24

8 Envisioning a Pipeline “If people begin to see the educational system as a single entity through which people move, they may begin to behave as if all of education were related.” Harold Hodgkinson in ‘All One System’, 2000

9 Early Childhood Readiness and Early Learning Elementary Level Literacy, Numeracy and Behavioral Health Middle School Level Subject Area Competence, Personal Growth and Active Engagement High School Level Application of Subject Area Knowledge; Demonstrated Mastery, Choose Own Path Post- secondary and Employment Continuous Learning, Personal Mastery, Continuous Adjustment and Openness to Change WIOA Strengthening Connections in Transition

10 Four Simple Questions for Collaboration Who cares about this and why? What work is already underway separately? What shared work could unite us? How can we deepen our connections?

11 Section 422, WIOA: Required Activities Job exploration counseling Work-based learning experiences Counseling…comprehensive transition services or post-secondary education programs in IHEs Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living Instruction in self-advocacy

12 Transition and IDEA Coordinated activities designed to be in a results- oriented process Focused on improving academic and functional achievement Facilitates movement from school to post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living or community participation

13 Transition and IDEA (2) Based on child’s needs (strengths, preferences, interests) Includes:  Instruction  Related services  Community experiences  Objectives for employment and post-school adult living  If appropriate, daily living skills and a functional vocational evaluation

14 Special Education (IDEA) Requirements Summary of Performance (SOP) Indicator 13 Indicator 14 Include on its state advisory panel representative Transfer rights to student at age of majority

15 Special Education (IDEA) Requirements (2) If talking about postsecondary goals and transition services, must invite student to IEP meeting Invite agency likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services to the IEP meeting

16 Section 422, WIOA: Authorized Activities Independent living and inclusion strategies Independent living, postsecondary education, competitive integrated employment Instruction for VR counselors, school transition personnel, others Disseminating information on innovative, effective and efficient approaches

17 Section 422, WIOA: Authorized Activities (2) Coordination with IDEA services provided by LEAs Applying evidenced-based findings to improve policy, procedure, practice and the preparation of personnel Model transition demonstration projects/establishing multi-state partnerships Disseminate information/strategies to improve transition to postsecondary activities for traditionally underserved populations

18 Coordination… Attend IEP meeting when invited VR counselor may not be able to attend all Virtual, telephonic, etc Work with workforce development Internships, summer employment, school year employment, apprenticeships Work with schools to coordinate and ensure provision of Pre Employment Transition Services Attend person centered planning meetings for Title XIX (Medicaid) – when invited

19 Persistent Challenges Technical Challenge Requires information, knowledge or tools Adaptive (Relationship) Challenges Requires understanding and a willingness to make behavior changes

20 Youth as Stakeholders


22 Questions/Ideas

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