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Axial Muscle Flashcards

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Presentation on theme: "Axial Muscle Flashcards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Axial Muscle Flashcards

2 FRONTALIS Raises eyebrows 1.

3 TEMPORALIS Mastication (chewing) 2.

4 OCCIPITALIS Raises eyebrows 3.

5 ORBICULARIS ORIS Protrudes lips 4.


7 NASALIS Wiggles nose 6.

8 MASSETER Mastication (chewing) 7.

9 BUCCINATOR Sucks cheeks inward 8.

10 ZYGOMATICUS Raises corner of mouth/smile 9.

11 PLATYSMA Draws angle of mouth downward/frown 10.

12 STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID Neck flexion (bend ear to shoulder) 11.

13 SPLENIUS CAPITIS Rotates head 12.

14 SEMISPINALIS CAPITIS Rotates head 13.

15 LEVATOR SCAPULAE Elevates scapula 14.

16 TRAPEZIUS Abduction of arms (raises arms) 15.

17 RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR Adduction of arms 16.

18 LATISSIMUS DORSI Depression of shoulders 17.

19 PECTORALIS MAJOR Adduction of arms 18.

20 PECTORALIS MINOR Raises ribs 19.

21 SERRATUS ANTERIOR Depression of shoulders 20.

22 RECTUS ABDOMINIS Flexes vertebral column 21.

Tense abdominal muscles (bowel movements) 22.

24 INTERNAL OBLIQUE Tenses abdominal muscles (bowel movements) 23.

25 EXTERNAL OBLIQUE Tenses abdominal muscles (bowel movements) 24.

26 LINEA ALBA Connective tissue that separates ab region 25.

27 GLUTEUS MAXIMUS Extension of leg 26.

28 GLUTEUS MEDIUS Abduction of leg (splits) 27.

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