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ALTC Senior Spouse Agenda February 11, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "ALTC Senior Spouse Agenda February 11, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 ALTC Senior Spouse Agenda February 11, 2015

2 State of Social

3 Social Platforms

4 Communicate! Why social media? What message are you trying to send?
What social site is the most appropriate for you? How can you engage your audience?

5 USAREC Social Platforms & /USARECCSFAB, USAREC_CSM & USAREC_DCG P Recruiter Journal –

6 Forums Recruiter Forum Spouses Forum

7 Google + Create a page – one stop shop
Google Hangouts – communicate pertinent information face to face

8 Facebook Create a spouse group page
Use it to engage and ensure messages are getting pushed out Share and build a community

9 LinkedIn Create a spouse group page
Use it to engage and ensure messages are getting pushed out More professional

10 Feedback Social Space allows for instant feedback
Encourages conversation Provides a resource

11 Challenges Public Domain Safety and Scrutiny Army Values

12 Helpful Links

13 ALTC Senior Spouse Agenda February 11, 2015

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