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Do Now! **Please write down an answer in your notebook** When we think of Learning we usually think of school…Give a few examples of other places/experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now! **Please write down an answer in your notebook** When we think of Learning we usually think of school…Give a few examples of other places/experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now! **Please write down an answer in your notebook** When we think of Learning we usually think of school…Give a few examples of other places/experiences when learning take place.

2 4.1 Classical Conditioning

3 SWBAT explain and use the basic principles of classical conditioning
Objectives SWBAT explain and use the basic principles of classical conditioning

4 Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning- creation of involuntary responses to stimuli



7 Conditioning Conditioning- teaching someone or something to do something.

8 Classical Conditioning: Vocab
Stimulus- anything that causes a reaction Response- a reaction to the stimulus Pavlov Example: Meat (stimulus)  Salivation (response)

9 Pavlov: Vocab Unconditioned Stimulus (US)- a stimulus that automatically elicits a response, as meat causes salivation. Unconditioned Response (UR)- an automatic response to a particular natural stimulus, such as salivation to meat.

10 Receives Food (US)  Salivates (UR)
Diagram Receives Food (US)  Salivates (UR)

11 Bell Ringing (CS) + Receives Food (US)  Salivation (R)
Diagram Bell Ringing (CS) + Receives Food (US)  Salivation (R)

12 Conditioning Conditioned Stimulus (CS)- a previously neutral stimulus that has been associated with a natural stimulus Ex. The Bell Conditioned Response (CR)- a response to a stimulus that is brought on by learning Ex. Salivating when you hear a bell

13 Classical Conditioning Diagram
Receives Food (US)  Salivation (UR) Receives Food (US) + Bell (CS)  Salivation (CR) Bell (CS)  Salivation (CR)

14 Example 1 You have a meal at a fast food restaurant that causes food poisoning. The next time you see a sign for that restaurant, you feel sick to the stomach

15 Example 2 When your dog wants to go outside, he sits by the door and wags his tail. When you open the door, to let the dog outside, the door squeaks loudly. Soon, your dog begins wagging his tail whenever you open the door.

16 Example 3 A nurse gives you a shot in your arm and it hurts. The next time you go get a shot, the nurse says “now this won’t hurt a bit,” just before stabbing you with a needle, which still hurts your arm. The next time you hear “This won’t hurt” all you can think about is pain in your arm.

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