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The Whiskey Rebellion.

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1 The Whiskey Rebellion

2 George Washington No Party;

3 Whiskey Rebellion ( ) Congress passed tax on whiskey to help pay war debit and raise money for treasury; When tax collectors attempted to collect taxes, farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled.

4 Opposing Side 1: Farmers/Common People
Felt tax was unfair burden on farmers. They grew corn and converted it to whiskey. The tax made whiskey more expensive and fewer people were buying it.

5 Opposing Side 2: Federal Government
Felt they needed the tax to pay off the national debt; they targeted a “luxury.” shocked at farmers defiance. Government sent militia to make them obey.

6 Results/Effects Government militia easily won (farmers were unorganized); Federal Government showed power, strength. Some say the use of force on the part of the government was excessive.

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