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Indexing and Retrieval

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1 Indexing and Retrieval
Ales Franek Chunhui Zhu Gustave Granroth

2 Overview The goal is to design a system that can do accurate and efficient retrieval in a large image database(e.g. retrieval in movies.). The first paper (video google) provides a fundamental framework to achieve this goal, other papers did some further improvement over the system.

3 CS 766 Paper Presentation Outline
//Reference slide for presentation creation. Presentation Outline: 1. Introduction, some (but not all of the applications) of object/image searching. 2. High-level overview of the papers and their relation; also the relation of these papers with the presentations from the previous two groups. This includes a review of SIFT features. 3. Video Google (First Paper) a. Introduction; pipeline of the method. b. SA and MS regions of the image (feature finding) c. Feature clustering (via k-means). Association of features with words. -For videos: removing unstable regions (can be done efficiently). d. Dictionary building: describing image w/words -TF-IDF Stop Lists e. Using spatial consistency to improve results and help with the ranking order. -15 point method (fast, but not as accurate) f. Retrieval - tree with inverted file. g. Performance, advantages, and disadvantages of this method. 4. Scalable Vocabulary Tree (Second Paper) a. Mention disadvantages of the first method (mainly speed and a small size). -First method also needs stop lists for good retrieval and takes longer on retrieval. b. Mention the general idea of this method. c. Scoring of the results, with the inverted files and virtual inverted files. d. Results, advantages, disadvantages. 5. City Scale Location Recognition (Third Paper) a. Mention the general idea of this method -- note it is an extension of (3,4). b. Note the greedy algorithm used to run this method. c. Note the idea of information gain used to only use the nodes in the vocabulary tree that provide the most information. d. Results, Final conclusions of everything. Image searching in Google is the main interesting application, others are just photos....

4 2. Video Google: A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos
Josef Sivic and Andrew Zisserman, ICCV 2003. Goal: To retrieve key frames and shots of a video containing a particular object.

5 Much previous work has been done in the text retrieval area, the goal of this work is to borrow some successful ideas from text retrieval to make the visual object/frame retrieval from video faster and more accurate.

6 Text Retrieval Offline: Document contains words.
Words parsed into their stems. e.g. 'walk', 'walking' and 'walks' will all be represented by the stem 'walk'. Stop list to reject common words such as 'the', 'a', 'is', etc. Each document is represented by a vector with components given by the frequency of the occurrence of the words the document contain. Online: Query is also parsed to words, then stems, and form a vector. Similarity of a document and a query is computed by computing vector similarity. documents are first parsed into words. words are represented by their stems, stop list to reject common words, each document is represented from the frequency of occurrence of the words the document contains

7 Analog Corpus -------- Film Document -------- Frame Stem -------- ???
Word ??? Query One frame or subpart of a frame analog

8 Textual Words -> Visual Words
Each frame(document) contain many local descriptors(words) A good descriptor should be invariant to different viewpoints, scales, illuminations, shifts and transformations. How to build? Find invariant regions in the frame Represent each detected invariant region by a descriptor analog

9 Finding Invariant Regions (1/2)
Two types of 'viewpoint covariant regions' used: SA - Shape Adapted: tends to be centered on corner like features. MS - Maximally Stable: corresponds to blobs of high contrast with respect to their surroundings. Reason to use to two different region types: complementary representation of frames. analog

10 Finding Invariant Regions (2/2)

11 Building the Descriptors
SIFT feature - Scale Invariant Feature Transform. Each elliptical region is represented by a 128-dimensional vector. Removing noise: Tracking region using 'Constant Velocity Dynamical model', any region doesn't survive 3 frames is rejected. Regions throughout the track are averaged to improve SNR(Signal Noise Ratio). Regions with large covariance are also rejected. Draw on the blackboard to show the tracking procedure and how rejection is made

12 Analog Corpus -------- Film Document -------- Frame Stem -------- ???
Word Descriptor (Visual Word) Query One frame or subpart of a frame analog

13 Building the 'Visual Stems'
Cluster descriptors into K groups using K-means clustering. Each cluster represents a 'visual word' in the 'visual vocabulary'. For any arbitrary descriptor, find the nearest cluster center to it and assign with the visual word of that cluster. Analog to text stemming. 6K SA clusters, and 10K MS clusters.

14 Two Clusters of SA Regions
Two Clusters of MS Regions

15 Analog Corpus -------- Film Document -------- Frame
Stem Center of Descriptor Cluster Word Descriptor (Visual Word) Query One frame or subpart of a frame analog

16 Process Overview Offline: Vocabulary(Stem) building Crawl Frames
Create Stop List Online: Build query vector Rank Result

17 Vocabulary Building

18 Crawling Frames

19 Crawling Frames: tf-idf
Each document is represented as a vector: k is the number of vocabulary, nid is the number of occurrence of word i in the document d, nd is the total number of words in document d, ni is the occurrence of word i in the whole database, and N is the number of documents in the whole database. The similarity of two documents(video frame or subpart of video frame here) is computed by the normalized dot product between their vectors

20 Crawling Frames: inverted index
Given the texts T1="it is what it is",T2 ="what is it" and T3="it is a banana", we have the following inverted file index: "a": {2} "banana": {2} "is": {0, 1, 2} "it": {0, 1, 2} "what": {0, 1} During query time, to find relevant frames quickly.

21 Query Object

22 Query Object: Ranking Result
Ranking based on two parts: Vector similarity mentioned before: each frame is represented by a vector... Spatial Consistency

23 Two Experiments Scene Location Matching:
Evaluate the method by matching scene locations across the movie. Used to tune the system. Object Retrieval

24 Scene Location Matching
164 frames, from 48 shots, were taken at 19 3D location in the movie ‘Run Lola Run’ (4-9 frames from each location)

25 Scene Location Matching

26 Object Retrieval Search for objects of interest throughout the movie.
The object of interests is specified by users as a sub part of any frame.

27 Video Google Summary Provide a framework to do visual search in video
Runtime object retrieval Open issues: Automatic way of building vocabulary, non-static vocabulary Undesirable low ranking caused by insufficient feature Scalability

28 3. Scalable Recognition with a Vocabulary Tree
Nistér and Stewénius, CVPR 2006. Discuss a bit of the paper here -- the process is the same as Video Google until the vocabulary tree is encountered. (((The diagram here is showing how given the input image (shoe), all other shoe images are returned. Each shoe was passed through this procedure (ie, each shoe returned the list of all other shoes). ))) Example image retrieval process given the query image of a shoe.

29 Vocabulary Tree (1:2) -Hierarchy of k-means clusters, with a 'k' branch factor, of the local region descriptors. Definition of Vocabulary Tree, how a vocabulary tree is built. (Recursive partitioning of groups until we reach a maximum level 'L') Note that the memory usage is for 1 million leaves, a rather large number for searching. Illustration: Tree-building process, with k = 3. -Adding a new descriptor: 'kL' dot products to determine the descriptor clusters. -Encoding descriptor location: Single integer with k/2 bits per level can encode the path. -Memory usage: D*kL * (bits/descriptor) (143 MB with D=128, char=bits, k=10, L=6).

30 Vocabulary Tree (2:2) Allows For: -Faster Retrieval.
-Larger Vocabulary, Smaller Database Size. -Better Retrieval Quality. -No need for stop lists. The disadvantages of the prior method (small vocabulary size and a slower speed of retrieval) can be mentioned. A vocabulary tree allows for a larger vocabulary, faster retrieval speed, and as a consequence leads to a better retrieval quality. Finally, as we don't need stop lists for good performance, searching for very frequently appearing objects is possible.

31 Illustration: 400 paths for the descriptors in a single image.
Scoring (1:2) Video Google: Inverted files from a TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document) scoring. Vocabulary Tree: Hierarchy of visual words in a vocabulary tree, with inverted files at the leaves. -Comparing similarity of paths in the vocabulary tree. Weight method (weights based on entropy): >> qi = niwi, di = miwi (Query and Database vectors) >> (Scoring) General Observations >> Weights should not be strong for inner nodes. >> Setting weights to 0 defines a stop list (optional). The database vectors are based on weight (first formulas). Entropy weighting will be discussed as simply a difference in the natural log, incldued here (N = number of images, Ni = number of images with at least one path through i), mention that it a question is asked. The second formula needs a bit more explanation: We normalize each image based on its total weight (such that we don't overweight images that have lots and lots of features) and then the score is normalized for all image pairs (same reason as before -- we don't want to overweight pairs based only on their feature numbers). Illustration: 400 paths for the descriptors in a single image.

32 Scoring (2:2) -Implemented with inverted files (id # of images with feature and feature frequency in each image) -Inverted file length ~ frequency. -Inner nodes consists of a concatenation of the the leaf nodes inverted files. Note that while the inverted file length is proportional to the frequency, larger lists are excluded mainly for size. Larger lists can be used if more frequent items need to be looked at. At this point, mention there's a bit of math, and that the entropy has been precomputed. Note that either L1 or L2 norms are based mainly on complexity, and the authors swap to L2 later on. Illustration: Scoring with norms. Either L1 or L2 norms work well.

33 Results and Applications
Result metrics: s for feature extraction on a 640x480 image; 5 Hz on-the-fly insertion to the database. (25 ms) query time with 50,000 database images. -- Size of the database vs feasible verification. -- Real-time CD cover recognition. -- 1 s query time with 1,000,000 database images (6 movies and 6,376 image ground truth) days for database creation, mainly on feature extraction. Jump back to the first slide to show how the results worked. Note that it was critical the method worked well (ie returned the image as the first few results) as verification was infeasible otherwise for a very large data set. Note that the time for database creation is consistent with the above, essentially running the movies at 1/5th speed (5 fps versus 25 fps). -Fast object recognition. -General image query applications. Percentage of GT images making into the top x-percent frames from a 1,400 image query.

34 4. City-Scale Location Recognition
Schindler, Brown, and Szeliski, CVPR 2007. From left to right: Vehicle path during image database creation, a query image, and the match returned from the database.

35 Improvements to Vocabulary Trees
- Improved feature matching via: - Improved vocabulary selection (faster retrieval, larger database size possible) - Generalized (and faster) search algorithm Differences in the Method - No hierarchical scoring - Focus on location, rather than object recognition. This is also a general overview slide on what this paper is talking about. Note that this paper is talking about 100 million features, 100x the size of the prior paper. Also note that at this scale, vocabulary trees are no longer optional million SIFT features is about 12 GB of space, if stored directly for kd-trees.

36 Greedy N-Best Paths Search
-Generalization to traditional vocabulary tree search method. -Instead of performing kL comparisons at each level, k + kN(L - 1) are performed (following N different paths). Nothing special here. This method allows for better quality, at the expense of a higher computation time. Then again, if we build this database afterwards, it will improve overall retrieval time without affecting query speed. THE IMPORTANT point is that we do a similar number of comparisons now in a low-branching tree versus a high-branching tree, just by varying N (go back to image on prior slide). -Allows for a similar number of comparisons to be performed for different-branching trees.

37 Information Gain - Modeling the features that are most location-informative, via high-gain training data. Note that we cannot do k-means clustering all at once, and must do it on a subset, the most informative subset. NOTE That there is a lot of math skipped, and the general result is this massive formula and the easy-to-understand image. All that is done then is compute the formula on the side, with Nl being the number of images of a location, Ndb being the number of images in the database, and choose the most informative (largest H) features to use in the subsets.

38 Scoring -Scoring done via a voting scheme.
-Matched features vote for the images they occur in. -Performance enhanced by normalizing by feature count in an image, number of nearest neighbors images, and local neighborhood images. -Vocabulary tree performs the sums in linear time. Basic voting scheme; normalizations avoid under/overweighting issues, and also improve support for localization (local neighborhood, nearest neighbors). NL is local images, Ni is the features in an image. Nq is the query image feature count. The delta function -- is -- the delta function; explain that during the presentation.

39 Results (1:2) - 10 million image dataset, analysis with 30,000 image subset and 278 query images. Experiment 1: Informative Features -Constant 7.5 million points, 3,000 to 30,000 images with gradual increase. LAST SLIDE!!!!! Note that as the images go up, the information gain method degrades more slowly. ALSO note that as it notes that as structure is important, we can't 'reusue' trees, but must rather rebuild them for each new city/location.

40 Results (2:2) Experiment 2: Greedy N-Best Paths Algorithm
-Apx 1,000,000 features, variant tree branching factor. Also compared with a kd-tree. Alright, this is the LAST SLIDE!!!!!. Results from the 2nd experiment. Note that kd-trees intuitively will work better, but we analyze apx the same number of features with a higher number of N (so, the algorithm works). Also note here that the authors were surprised on the performance, see the image at the front to see the lighting variations of the results. Refer people to the paper for comparisons against that.

41 Retrieving results bilions of images, hundred of thousand visual words

42 MinHash The min-wise independent permutations locality sensitive hashing scheme Quick estimation of similarity of two sets Proposed by Andrei Broder [On the resemblance and containment of documents, 1997] Used in AltaVista search engine to detect duplicate web pages and eliminate them from search results text retrieval community

43 Pr[hmin(A) = hmin(B)] = J(A,B)
Similarity measure Jaccard similarity coefficient J(A,B) = |A∩B| / |A∪B| Hash function h maps members of set S to distinct integers. hmin(S) is then the minimum hash value of all members of S. Pr[hmin(A) = hmin(B)] = J(A,B) same probability, unbiased estimator, high variance => average more samples, also unbiased estimators h is random permutation, all members have the same probability of being picked

44 Key features Reducing estimating resemblance to set intersection problems Can be easily evaluated by a process of random sampling Bounded error expectation O(1/√k). For k = O(1/ε2) samples is expected error at most ε Independently computed for each document (image) Fixed size sample for each document (image) Distance d(A,B) = 1 - J(A,B) is a metric (obeys the triangle inequality) Hash values can be weighted, e.g. tf-idf can be used hashes independently computed

45 Large-Scale Discovery of Spatially Related Images [Chum, Matas 2010]
Finding and matching all spatially related images in a large database Fast method, even for sizes up to 250 images Finding clusters of related images Visual only approach Probability of successful discovery independent of database size

46 Key idea: 2 steps 1. Seed Generation (hashing) - fast, low recall
Chum, Philbin, Isard, and Zisserman: Scalable Near Identical Image and Shot Detection, 2007 • used for detection of duplicate images 2. Seed Growing (retrieval) - high recall Chum, Philbin, Sivic, Isard, and Zisserman: Total Recall: Automatic Query Expansion with a Generative Feature Model for Object Retrieval, 2007 • used for expanding the query image description





51 1. Seed Generation: Probability of Success
At least 1 out of k s-tuples of min-Hashes agrees: 1 - (1 - J(A,B)s)k where s is the size of the hashing table and k is number of hashing tables



54 Probability of finding seed P(no seed) = 68%

55 Probability of finding seed P(no seed) = 1.94%
not a complete graph P(no seed) = 1.94%

56 2. Seed Growing - Automatic Query Expansion

57 Query Expansion Example

58 Example of a Cluster

59 Conclusion Fast and accurate method useful for very large datasets
Very low false positive rate Store small amount of data per image Easily parallelizable Much more new images can be retrieved thanks to query expansion Clusters are more efficient than just indexing


61 Thank you Ales Franek Chunhui Zhu Gustave Granroth

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