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Appositive Phrases.

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Presentation on theme: "Appositive Phrases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appositive Phrases

2 What is an appositive phrase?
1) Read the sentences. 2) The appositive phrase is bold underlined. 3) Write what you think an appositive phrase is.

3 Appositive Phrases: Read
Ellen, a 47 year-old waitress, gazed out the window with a bored look on her face. Troy signed the contract that made him the owner of a car, a brand new cherry red convertible. What do you think an appositive is? Write:

4 Appositive Phrase: Definition
An appositive phrase is a noun phrase that modifies (describes) another noun or pronoun in the sentence. They can be at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. Usually, they are: Surrounded by commas The + noun phrase A/an + noun phrase

5 Appositive Phrase: Examples
1. Underline the appositive phrase and highlight the main noun in the phrase 2. Draw an arrow to the noun or pronoun it modifies and highlight it

6 Appositive Phrase: Example 1
Ellen, a 47 year-old waitress, gazed out the window with a bored look on her face. Nouns

7 Appositive Phrase: Example 2
Troy signed the contract that made him the owner of a car, a brand new cherry red convertible. Nouns

8 #4 A wicked man with a perverse mind, he plotted our imminent demise.

9 #5 Among the company was a lawyer, a young man of about twenty-five.

10 #3 Captain Bentick was a family man, a lover of dogs and pink children and Christmas.

11 Add Appositives: Directions
Add appositives to the sentences with blank spaces.

12 #7 My sister, _____________________, is the only one who knows my secret.

13 #8 A / an __________________________, Maria earned a perfect score on her SAT.

14 #9 – Write your own sentence with an appositive phrase

15 #10 - Write your own sentence with an appositive phrase

16 #11 - Write your own sentence with an appositive phrase

17 Source Kilgallon, Don. Sentence Composing for High School Students. Boynton/Cook Pulishers, Inc. Portsmouth, NH: 1998.

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