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Study Strategies.

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1 Study Strategies

2 #1: Follow the Teacher Teachers want you to know what they taught you. Your best bet is to study the class notes & pay attention to points your teacher stressed because that is what they felt was important.

3 How do you know what the teacher thinks is important?
How can you keep track of this information?

4 #2: Get Organized Gather up all of your class notes, make sure you are not missing any, and make an outline of each topic covered so that you know what to study for.

5 If you notice that you are missing some notes, what can you do?

6 #3: Right Here, Right Now Yes, studying is no fun, but what is worse is failing a class! Just remember…this is only a few weeks of your life. As soon as exams are done you can close the books & relax! The payoff will be huge, and in the grand scheme of things, this is a tiny fraction of your life!

7 Think, share, pair – in your own words, what does “Right Here, Right Now” mean as a studying strategy?

8 #4: Use Memory Tricks to Help You
Tools such as acronyms, funny phrases & unusual illustrations to associate to the key words & facts you have to remember.

9 On the sticky note, create a memory trick to help you remember the rules of adding & subtracting fractions. Be prepared to share this trick!

10 #5: Study with Someone Hanging out with friends can actually be a great thing when studying, especially if you’re studying for the same subject. You can help each other by offering explanations, or quizzing each other. Explaining a topic to someone else, helps solidify it in your mind & helps you remember it later.

11 Choose a partner. One person in the pair is to explain to the other how to construct a proper paragraph. Switch roles, the 2nd person in the pair is to explain to their partner how to multiply & divide fractions.

12 #6: What’s Important? In a reading, some information will stand out; it will give you a signal that it’s the main idea: Text highlighted in bold or italic fonts A question posed in the margin A diagram, picture or table w/ caption A glossary of terms Look out for potential question material

13 Think about the hardest class you have this semester
Think about the hardest class you have this semester. What is one concept that you have learned in the class, that you just know is going to be on the exam?

14 #7: Know Yourself No 2 people study alike! If you know what works best for you stick to it. Some people work best inside a silent library, others need to be in a bustling kitchen or coffee shop.


16 Think about the work space that you are most productive in
Think about the work space that you are most productive in. Share your idea.

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