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Presentation on theme: "Storyboarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storyboarding

2 Organizing tool Storyboarding is the process of producing sketches of the shots of your script. The end result looks like comic book of your film. Storyboards are part preproduction (planning) Includes setting, character development, scripting, camera angles and sound design.

3 Benefits Reduces the time spent on unfocused discussion
Allows everyone to share ideas equally Helpful in generating alternatives Time effective, accurate planning See continuity problems before they happen Communication between roles (camera, lighting) Artistic and aesthetic* vision remains consistent *A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, esp. in art.

4 History Walt Disney is credited with creating the modern storyboard. In 1933, “The Three Little Pigs” was completely storyboarded. Animators at Warner Brothers (Leon Schlessinger) used to post gags and try to link them together into a story. In the late 1930’s, David Selznik hired William Menzies to storyboard “Gone With the Wind.” The popularity of storyboarding motion pictures continued with Orson Welles, Howard Hughes, and Alfred Hitchcock. A large majority of present day directors have their films storyboarded including Stephen Spielberg, George Lucas, and the Cohen brothers. Texas Education Agency, 2011.




8 Website Storyboarding
Secrets from Hollywood Basics of Web Design A sample Restaurant Sample

9 Don't Rush In When you make a film always plan it out first.
A little thought can go a long way. In Hollywood cameras are often rented so time is essential

10 What is its Purpose? What are your goals?
What is your presentation for? To educate? To sell? To convince? To inform? To entertain? Or a combination of the above?

11 Who is your audience? Know your audience! Is it a serious matter?
Can it be entertaining? Do they care about what you have to say? Once you know your audience, target your presentation to THEM.

12 Start by BRAINSTORMING With Your Team Generate Ideas Use your notes
Decide what you need and what you don’t need. Do you need more info?

13 Structure Based on your brainstorming session, make a plan.
Use your plan to design your presentation. Decide what pictures or diagrams you will need and have a teammate create them.

14 Storyboard It! Provides an overall rough outline of what the presentation will look like, including: Which topics go where, the links, and a conceptual idea of where your images go, and what the layout will look like. You don't have to be able to draw to produce a storyboard. You need only sketch in the outlines. Someone should be able to look at your storyboard and put together the same site you would have done.










24 Bibliography Storyboarding. Imagine Design Notes. Storyboarding Your Movie. The Complete Eejit’s Guide to Film-Making. Storyboarding. HCC Dale Mabry Campus.

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