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The Central Nervous System

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1 The Central Nervous System
Ms. Sallo AP Psychology March 08, 2016

2 Central Nervous System (CNS)
Spinal cord Reflex Behavior Relay station Brain Found in the skull Used for protection Also protected with a covering called meninges It is bathed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)- nourishes the brain and gives its nutrients

3 Spinal Cord Connects the brain to the rest of the body
Also enclosed in meninges and bathed in CSF Relays messages from the brain to body and vice versa When the spinal cord is damaged paralysis usually occurs

4 Looking Inside the Brain
Electroencephalograph (EEG)- a device that monitors the electrical activity of the brain over time by means of recording electrodes attached to the surface of the scalp Looks at action potentials of the brain Seen with brain damage, epilepsy and other neurological disorders

5 Lesioning- involves destroying a piece of the brain
Usually done to animals Done by putting an electrode in the brain and burning the tissue to disable the structure

6 Looking Inside the Brain (cont.)
Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB)- involves sending weak electrical current into a brain structure to stimulate (activate) it Uses an electrode

7 Brain-Imaging Procedures
Computerized Tomography scan (CT Scan)- x- ray of the brain structure Positron Emission tomography (PET Scan)- examine brain function Tag activity in brain using chemicals Color coded

8 Looking Inside the Brain (cont.)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses magnetic fields, radio waves and computers to map the brain structure 3D Functional MRI (fMRI) monitor blood and oxygen flow in the brain to identify areas of high activity

9 The Brain The brain can be divided into 3 regions Hindbrain Midbrain
Forebrain Brainstem- where the brain joins with the spinal cord


11 Def: includes the cerebellum and two structures found in the lower part of the brain stem: the medulla and the pons The medulla controls unconscious but vital functions Breathing Heart rate Sneezing, etc. The pons means bridge. It connects brainstem to the cerebellum Circadian rhythm Sleep and wake cycle Cerebellum (little brain) Reflex, coordination, balance Typically depressed by alcohol Hindbrain

12 Drunk Driving Tests!

13 Midbrain Def: segment of the brainstem that lies between the hindbrain and the forebrain Widening of the brainstem to support the forebrain General Arousal controled by reticular formation

14 Forebrain Def: the largest and most complex region of the brain, encompassing a variety of structures Thalamus, hypothalamus, and limbic system are above the brainstem Cerebrum- above the above 3 and deals with complex thought Cerebral Cortex is the wrinkled outer layer

15 Forebrain- Thalamus Relay station messages going from the sensory organs to the brain Smell is the only one that does not go through this pathway

16 Forebrain- Hypothalamus
Involved in the regulation of basic biological needs Fighting (body temp) Fleeing Feeding (hunger and thirst) Mating (sexual arousal/libido) Governess of emotion and motivational responses Circadian cycle

17 Forebrain-Limbic System
Loosely connected network of structures Hypothalamus- allows a transformation from short term memory to long them memory Hippocampus- part of memory process which send memories to cerebral cortex Amygdala- rage emotions, serious and extreme anger, fear Pleasure centers


19 Cerebral Cortex Outer shelf of the brain Convolutions (wrinkly)
More surface area Dual hemispheres Right- sensory messages and controls motor skills of left part of body, spatial & creative Left- sensory messages and controls motor skills of right part of body, logic, sequential tasks Lobes- segments of the cortex that register sensory information

20 Cerebral Cortex (cont.)
Corpus Callosum- connects the two cerebral hemispheres Split Brain- also affects language Each hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes

21 Occipital Lobe At the back of the head
Where most visual signals are sent and visual processing is begun AKA Primary visual cortex

22 Parietal lobe Forward to the occipital lobe
Sense of touch and position in space AKA Somatosensory cortex

23 Temporal lobe Near the temples Devoted to auditory processing
Below parietal lobes Devoted to auditory processing AKA primary auditory cortex Can impair language Wernicke’s area- written and spoken speech

24 Frontal Lobe Broca’s Area- involved in muscles for speech
Found only in humans AKA primary motor cortex-Control movement of muscles Prefrontal cortex is the front portion of the motor cortex Executive control system that monitors, organizes and directs thought processes, abstract emotional thoughts Broca’s Area- involved in muscles for speech

25 Phineas Gage 1848 Railroad worker who uses dynamite to clear land
A pole of iron went through his skull under his left eye His personality changed- lost control of emotions Realized that it hit his frontal lobe which messed up his self awareness and planning!


27 Neural Plasticity The brain is plastic (malleable)
1. aspects of experience can sculpt features of brain structure Musicians have enlarged parts of the brain depending on what instrument they use! 2. Damage to incoming pathways or the destruction of brain tissue can lead to neural reorganization Healthy neurons attempt to pick up the slack of the damaged neurons 3. adult brains can generate new neurons

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