Brîff 7 Munud- Esgeulustod Self Neglect – 7 Minute Briefing

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1 Brîff 7 Munud- Esgeulustod Self Neglect – 7 Minute Briefing

2 1. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Mae hunan esgeulustod yn fethiant gan oedolyn i gymryd gofal ohono/ohoni ei hun, neu mae'n debygol o fewn rheswm i achosi niwed corfforol, meddyliol neu emosiynol difrifol neu ddifrod i asedau neu golli asedau. Self-neglect is any failure of an adult to take care of themselves that causes, or is reasonably likely to cause, serious physical, mental or emotional harm or damage to or loss of assets.

3 2. BETH YDYW ? WHAT IS IT? Mae Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru)2014 yn cydnabod fod hunan esgeulustod yn anodd ei reoli oherwydd yr hawl dynol sylfaenol i fywyd preifat. Rhaid cydbwyso hyn â diogelu unigolyn rhag y perygl o niwed difrifol. The SSWB (Wales) Act recognises that self-neglect is a difficult to manage due to the fundamental human right to private life. This consideration must be balanced with safeguarding an individual from risk of serious harm.

4 3. BETH YDYW? 3. WHAT IS IT? Mae tri phrif fath o hunan esgeulustod:
Diffyg hunan ofal Diffyg gofal o amgylchedd person Gwrthod gwasanaethau There are three main forms of self neglect: Lack of self-care Lack of care of a person's environment Refusal of services

Efallai y bydd rhywun yn byw mewn amgylchiadau hynod aflan; yn dioddef o salwch sydd heb ei drin; yn dioddef o ddiffyg maeth; yn creu amgylchedd peryglus sy’n debygol o achosi niwed corfforol difrifol iddo/iddi Someone may be living in grossly unsanitary conditions; suffering from an untreated illness; suffering from malnutrition; creating a hazardous environment that is likely cause serious physical harm.

Gall hunan esgeulustod ddigwydd o ganlyniad i ffordd o fyw dewisedig yr unigolyn neu efallai bod yr unigolyn yn isel ei ysbryd; yn dioddef o salwch; â phroblemau gwybyddol; neu'n methu â gofalu amdano/amdani ei hun yn gorfforol. Self-neglect can happen as a result of an individual's choice of lifestyle, or the person may be depressed; have poor health; have cognitive problems; or be physically unable to care for themselves.

Trafodwch eich pryderon â’r unigolyn. Ystyriwch beth sydd ei eisiau arnynt ac a oes unrhyw bryderon ynglŷn â’u galluedd meddyliol. Ceisiwch ddeall y rheswm sylfaenol sydd wrth wraidd eu hymddygiad Discuss your worries with the person. Consider what they may want and if there are any concerns about mental capacity. Try to understand what underlying reason there may be for their behaviour.

8 7. GWEITHREDU ACTION Os oes pryderon sylweddol dylech atgyfeirio’r unigolyn i’r Awdurdod Lleol gyda chymaint o wybodaeth ag sy’n bosibl. Ceisiwch ennyn diddordeb yr unigolyn yn y broses gan nodi pa gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt. Darllenwch Brotocol Hunan Esgeulustod Gogledd Cymru am fwy o wybodaeth Where there are significant concerns make a referral to the Local Authority with as much information as possible. Try to engage the person in the process identifying what support they may need.

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