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COS-TUR-2015-3-04-1 FRIENDLY BEACH Social tourism for SMEs and municipalities of the Mediterranean coast.

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Presentation on theme: "COS-TUR-2015-3-04-1 FRIENDLY BEACH Social tourism for SMEs and municipalities of the Mediterranean coast."— Presentation transcript:

1 COS-TUR FRIENDLY BEACH Social tourism for SMEs and municipalities of the Mediterranean coast

2 The project was born starting from the winning 3 years’ experience in Italy with people affected by autism “Autismo Friendly Beach – Take a trip to the sea”. Started in 2013, the italian project, promoted by the partner Rimini Autismo Onlus, now involves a network of local tourism operators (beaches, hotels, amusement parks, sports and shopping centres, tourist offices and public transport) able to offer families of autistic persons a peacefull and accessible holiday in the Rimini Riviera. The national project is based on the fact that autism is a non-visible disability (unlike other forms of disability) and families with autistic persons have difficulty to face new situations and get out of the routine. For this reason, they decide not to travel, not to go on vacation. Access to leisure, travel and holidays is a right for all human beings and social tourism should be encuraged and facilitated

3 The Italian project is based on
3 specific objectives To feel like at home for disabled who often prefer not to have a vacation for fear of being uncomfortable in a strange or hostile environment and without the support of their local reference associations. ACCEPTANCE Of people with autism To spread on the territory a new awareness and a new idea of welcome and acceptance that will greatly enhance the quality of life of families of persons with autism. PROMOTE An autism culture The project also provides training for people with autism enabling them to perform some basic work to manage a beach under the supervision of lifeguards on the Riviera. CREATE JOBS for people with autism

4 42 Hotels 2 restaurants 33 beach resorts 5 amusement parks
Since 2013 The following local tourism operators in Romagna Coast were trained and involved in the project 42 Hotels 2 restaurants 33 beach resorts 5 amusement parks Local public transport (200 buses) 8 local Tourist Information Offices

5 have found job at local beach resorts
6 Guys have found job at local beach resorts

6 Specific signs distributed in the network’s facilities invite to rely on trained staff and promote a culture based on autism that will greatly enhance the quality of life of the involved families.





11 Average 2 rooms per hotel
STATISTICS (Summer 2017) REQUESTS RECEIVED: 120 (in total by the 29 hotels involved) Average 2 rooms per hotel


13 Holiday Package “Friendly Holiday”
STATISTICS (Summer 2017) Holiday Package “Friendly Holiday” Proposed by the Tourist Information Office: 30 Requests coming from families with autistic childrens (5-18 years) NO RESERVATIONS!

14 FRIENDLY BEACH is co-funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union

15 Starting from this 3 years’ experience in Italy, the COSME FRIENDLY BEACH Project intends to
codify and assess a methodology and a model to be extended and implemented firstly around the selected Mediterranean Countries (Italy, Croatia and Spain) and later in other EU Countries with similar morphology, facilities and services.

16 MAIN TARGET The main target final user is the FAMILY where one component is affected by mild mental disorders. The project intends to consider the family as a whole, family needs and necessities, not only the needs of individuals with mild mental disorders.

Anna Lisa Fuligni – Project Coordinator

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