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Class Inheritance (Cont.)

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1 Class Inheritance (Cont.)

2 Keyword: this Use this to refer to the constructor
Use this to refer to the current object

3 Keyword: this Example 1: Use this to refer to the constructor
public class MyInteger { private int value; public MyInteger(int init) { value = init;} public MyInteger() { this(0);} ... }

4 Keyword: this Example 2: Use this to refer to the current object
public class MyInteger { private int value; public MyInteger(int value) { this.value = value;} public MyInteger() { this(0);} ... }

5 Keyword: super The constructor of the parent class is usually implicitly called However, what if the constructor of the parent class has formal parameters?

6 Keyword: super MyChildInteger integer = new integer (2);
public class MyParentInteger { private int value; public MyParentInteger(int value) {this.value = value;} public MyParentInteger() {this(0);} ...//some other method definitions } public class MyChildInteger extends MyParentInteger { private int value2; public MyChildInteger(int value2) {this.value2 = value2;} public MyChildInteger() {this(0);} ...//some other method definitions } MyChildInteger integer = new integer (2); what is the value of integer.value? How to give it a different value??

7 Keyword: super public class MyParentInteger { private int value;
public MyParentInteger(int value) {this.value = value;} public MyParentInteger() {this(0);} ...//some other method definitions } public class MyChildInteger extends MyParentInteger { private int value2; public MyChildInteger(int value, int value2) super(value); this.value2 = value2; } public MyChildInteger() {this(0);} ...//some other method definitions

8 Keyword: super public class MyParentInteger { private int value;
public MyParentInteger(int value) {this.value = value;} public MyParentInteger() {this(0);} ...//some other method definitions } public class MyChildInteger extends MyParentInteger { private int value2; public MyChildInteger(int value, int value2) super(value); this.value2 = value2; } public MyChildInteger() {this(0);} ...//some other method definitions

9 Abstract Classes

10 Abstract Classes Java allows abstract classes
use the modifier abstract on a class header to declare an abstract class abstract class Vehicle { … } An abstract class is a placeholder in a class hierarchy that represents a generic concept Vehicle Car Boat Plane

11 Abstract Class: Example
An abstract class often contains abstract methods, though it doesn’t have to Abstract methods consist of only methods declarations, without any method body public abstract class Vehicle { String name; public String getName() { return name; } \\ method body abstract public void move(); \\ no body! }

12 Abstract Classes An abstract class often contains abstract methods, though it doesn’t have to Abstract methods consist of only methods declarations, without any method body The non-abstract child of an abstract class must override the abstract methods of the parent An abstract class cannot be instantiated (why?) The use of abstract classes is a design decision; it helps us establish common elements in a class that is too general to instantiate

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