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Diet & Nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "Diet & Nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diet & Nutrition


3 Tim & Moby Why we Eat

4 A balanced diet requires the correct food groups in the correct amounts. These include:
Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins Minerals Fibre Water

5 simple carbohydrates: sugars
carbohydrates, C, H, O simple carbohydrates: sugars e.g. Glucose in Lactose in milk Use: energy release

6 complex carbohydrates: cellulose, in plant cell walls e.g. fruit
Use: Provides support glycogen, found in animal liver & muscle cells starch, found in plant cells e.g. bread, pasta, rice Use: energy storage

7 made from fatty acids and glycerol animal fats are solid e.g. butter
fats C, H, O made from fatty acids and glycerol animal fats are solid e.g. butter plant fats are liquids e.g. olive oil Use: insulation, protection, energy storage

8 Animal protein e.g. eggs, meat, fish
proteins C, H, O, N made from amino acids Animal protein e.g. eggs, meat, fish Plant protein e.g. nuts, pulses, Quorn Use: growth and repair

9 vitamins Needed in only very small amounts and are important in maintaining our general health

10 vitamin C Found in fresh vegetables and citrus fruit
It is needed to maintain blood vessels, and for development of teeth and gums A deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy (sore gums and bleeding around bones and from the intestine)



13 vitamin D Found in fish liver oil, liver, milk, eggs
The skin can also make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight It is needed to regulate the use of calcium and phosphorus for making bones and teeth A deficiency of vitamin D leads to rickets (soft bones that bend and dental decay)


15 Also needed in very small amounts
minerals Also needed in very small amounts

16 calcium Found in dairy products
It is needed for making bones and teeth A deficiency leads to poor development of bones and teeth

17 iron Found in red meat It is needed for making haemoglobin in red blood cells A deficiency of iron causes anaemia; anaemic people are very tired. This is because haemoglobin allows RBCs to carry oxygen which is needed for respiration to release energy.

18 FIBRE WATER Read page 32 and make notes on For both you need to write
What it is used for Where we get it What happens if it is deficient FIBRE WATER

19 homework revision

20 Tim & Moby Healthy Eating

21 Starvation Starvation occurs when a person does not get enough food to eat. The body is using more energy than the diet is supplying.

22 Malnutrition The correct quantity
of food is eaten, but it may consist of only one food type, or a poor balance. Kwashiorkor results from a diet lacking enough protein. It results in swollen stomach and is common in countries where the diet consists mainly rice or maize

23 No change from yellow/brown
Negative: No change from yellow/brown Positive: Blue/black

24 Green, yellow/orange, brick red
Negative: No change from blue Positive: Green, yellow/orange, brick red


26 Negative: No change from clear Positive: Cloudy suspension

27 Food Tests Worksheet Cluedo activity

28 testing for vitamin C

29 vitamin C turns blue DCPIP clear

30 The fewer drops of juice added , the more vitamin C is present in the liquid.



33 investigating vitamin C content

34 The variable changed was the treatment of the Fruit Juice
fair test only one variable changed all others remain the same The variable changed was the treatment of the Fruit Juice The same volume of DCPIP was used in each experiment The same type of juice was used

35 when repeated reliable data
reliability when repeated reliable data will be of similar size Discuss the reliability of the class results Results that are far away from the others are called anomalous results Do you have any anomalies?

36 accurate results will be
accuracy accurate results will be measured precisely It would have been more accurate to use a measuring cylinder to measure the 1cm3 DCPIP. The syringe did not measure exactly 1cm3, so some experiments had more or less DCPIP.

37 results are not valid if something cannot be controlled
validity results are not valid if something cannot be controlled and it affects the results It was not possible to control the size of the drops of fruit juice using a dropper. It would have been more valid to use a burette and measure the volume of fruit juice needed to change the DCPIP from blue to clear.

38 Use the trial controlled assess material?

39 Comparing the energy content of different foods (WS)
BT in clamp Thermometer Mounted needle Boiling tube 25cm3 water food

joules (j) kilojoules (kj) megajoules (mj) most food packets also measure energy in calories

41 how much energy do we need?
Energy needed per day by different people in different situations

42 factors affecting energy requirements

43 3 main factors affect our
energy requirements, and therefore how much and what we need to eat age a baby needs less energy than a teenager

44 generally men have more muscle than women
gender generally men have more muscle than women which uses more energy

45 a physically demanding activity
requires more energy than a restful one

46 the extra energy is obtained
from meals containing lots of carbohydrates These are broken down to release the energy in respiration

47 due to the high rate of growth of the developing foetus
pregnant women have high energy needs due to the high rate of growth of the developing foetus

48 Pregnant women need extra nutrients for the developing baby:
calcium for the growth of bones iron for the production of red blood cells Nursing or breastfeeding mothers need extra Protein & fluid to make milk


50 bmi The body mass index is a measure of whether someone is the correct weight for their height.

51 Weight is measured in kg Height is measured in metres
calculating BMI BMI = weight height 2 Weight is measured in kg Height is measured in metres

52 Using BMI values BMI value Description Under 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal 25 – 29.9 Overweight 30+ Obese

53 This graph allows you to compare the BMI of a range of boys of the same age.
Percentiles are used to indicate the range of values associated with being underweight, less than 5% ok, 5-85% overweight, 85-95% and obese, over 95%.

54 Percentage increase in BMI can be calculated by finding the difference between the initial and final BMI. Divide this by the initial BMI and multiply by 100. Percentage change in BMI = CHANGE IN BMI X 100 initial BMI e.g. A 10 year old boy on the 85th percentile has a BMI of 19.5 At 20 years old on the 85th percentile he has a BMI of 27.0 Change in BMI = 27.0 – 19.5 = 7.5 % change in BMI = X 100 = 38.5% 19.5

55 having a higher energy intake
obesity is caused by having a higher energy intake than the energy used

56 The basal metabolic rate is a measure of the minimum energy use.
bmR The basal metabolic rate is a measure of the minimum energy use. It is found when a person is inactive, resting in a reclining position The person must not be stressed due to hunger, but must have digested their last meal.

57 To calculate your BMR you need to know:
calculating BMR BMR calculator To calculate your BMR you need to know: Height Weight Age gender

58 Using BMr values Use the HARRIS BENEDICT EQUATION
to calculate how much energy you need, in calories From the table decide the activity factor. Multiply the BMR by the activity factor. This gives the number of calories you need to eat to stay at your current weight.

59 A 15 year old girls is 1.6m tall and 57Kg.
Her BMR (from calculator) is She is quite active, playing netball and hockey for the school teams, so she practises every day. Her activity factor is (very active). To find the energy she needs multiply BMR by activity factor. x = 2229 Calories = Kj

60 because we become less active
Activity factor Category 1.2 Minimal exercise 1.375 Lightly active 1.55 Moderately active 1.725 Very active 1.9 Extremely active BMR decreases with age because we become less active and need less energy

61 diets rich in sugar, salt and fat or low in fruit and vegetables
health & diet diets rich in sugar, salt and fat or low in fruit and vegetables contribute to health problems

62 obesity

63 eating too much energy:
sugar, starch, fat

64 the heart must pump harder to pump blood round the extra tissue
in obese people the extra wear and tear may damage the heart or blood vessels

65 heart disease

66 high levels of cholesterol & other fatty substances
build up in artery walls over time arteries narrow, less blood flows through them, & may cause a heart attack

67 strokes

68 in arteries in the brain blocks the flow of blood
build up of fat in arteries in the brain blocks the flow of blood

69 high blood pressure

70 too much salt in the diet


72 too much sugar in the body
prevents insulin from controlling blood sugar levels

73 arthritis

74 extra wear and tear on joints
extra weight causes extra wear and tear on joints e.g knees, hips, lower back

75 The factors which affect health and cause these diseases can be divided into 3 groups:
Dietary e.g eating too much saturated fat, sugar or salt and eating too little fruit and vegetables Environmental e.g. stress Hereditary the genes you inherit from your parents can make you more susceptible to certain diseases such as heart disease

76 It is possible to control diet and environmental factors, and so reduce the chance of getting these diseases. Whilst it is not possible to control the genes you inherit, by controlling the effects of diet and environmental factors you are reducing the chance of getting these diseases to a minimum.

77 costs to society The number of people with obesity has doubled over the past 20 years to 20% of the population. The NHS is paying more to treat people for obesity and for the medical conditions associated with obesity such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

78 Read the following articles
Obesity Tsunami Talking scales to combat obesity In pairs produce a slogan, no longer than 10 words, which could be used in the campaign to fight against obesity.

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