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Presentation on theme: "‘BUILDING YOUR OWN HOUSE’"— Presentation transcript:

James Golds Education - Wellbeing Background – JG My career - 35 years What have I learnt? Insights Young Teacher Primary school in Balwyn Howard Gardner - opened my eyes Multiple intelligences Linguistic Logic Music Kinaesthetic Intra personal Interpersonal Spatial Naturalist

2 Wellbeing - Welfare - Welfare – ‘farewell’ Wellbeing – ‘begin’

3 To ultimately increase productivity

4 Dr Roger Walsh – TLCs Therapuetic Lifestyle Changes

5 Listen – 80 : 20 rule

6 Resilient and flourishing organisation -

7 Book ‘Legacy – What the All Blacks Can teach us about the business of life’ 15 lessons is Leadership
Humility, Empathy, Trust Teaching environment - continuous improvement – CFC Learning Environment - Mindset Sweep the sheds - HIPPO syndrome ‘Nobody looks after the All Blacks, the All Blacks look after themselves’

8 'ALL THAT WE SHARE' Click on ‘All that we share”
Leadership program day 1 What is your favourite quote? Why did he she choose this quote? Special place? Why Nickname? Why? 'ALL THAT WE SHARE'


10 Contribution – Choice – Community
When Competency Autonomy Relatedness are satisfied motivation and wellbeing are enhanced. Three Cs – Contribution – Choice – Community The Three Cs Contribution – Choice – Community

11 Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1943, 1954, Revised 1969)
ST = Self-Transcendence Impact = mission (Eulogy) Personal Potential = goal (Resumé) Theory of Motivation Seeks to further a cause beyond the self and to experience a communion beyond the boundaries of the self through peak experience. Seeks fulfillment of personal potential. Seeks esteem through recognition or achievement. Seeks affiliation with a group. Seeks security through order and law. Seeks to obtain the basic necessities of life.


Coaching & Mentoring Collaboration - challenging underlying beliefs Overcoming ‘Immunity to Change’ Commitment to change Innovate – ‘intrapreneurialism’ ‘A recent study showed that when doctors tell heart patients they will die if they don't change their habits, only one in seven will be able to follow through successfully. Desire and motivation aren't enough: even when it's literally a matter of life or death, the ability to change remains maddeningly elusive…’

14 Leadership behaviour ‘It doesn't matter how excellent we were today, there’s always a better way of doing it tomorrow.’

15 Fixed v Growth Mindset Staff meeting Football analogy Work analogy Part of the vernacular


17 Staff meeting Asked the question – ‘What is Culture?’
Followed by POD Conversations amongst staff across departments – open and honest Comparing application of values across departments – cross pollination of ideas

18 The Roseto Mystery Roseto mystery

19 Mother Theresa - ‘Be faithful to the small things’
Golf balls – dimples are like bruises – will make us fly further Growth Mindset – anything that happens to you is an opportunity to learn – these become your story. Bamboo “Building Your Own House” Metaphors for life

20 ‘Act yourself into a new way of thinking’
Inform yourself – BE CURIOUS BUILD RESILIENCE Navigate, overcome, bounce back - Reactive ‘REACH OUT’ embrace new experiences What are your ways to wellbeing? - Proactive BE PURPOSEFUL Build and foster RELATIONSHIPS ‘Act yourself into a new way of thinking’ Resilience – not about toughening people up, about raising people up Reactive overcome, steer through bounce back Proactive – Reach out – Experiences

21 Discover your strengths and stick to them

22 Illness Wellness


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