Rat Dissection.

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Presentation on theme: "Rat Dissection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rat Dissection

2 Rat Dissection Scientific Name: Rattus norvegicus Common Name: Rat
RATS Scientific Name: Rattus norvegicus Common Name: Rat Kingdom- Animalia Phylum- Chordata Class- Mammalia Order- Rodentia

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13 Rat Dissection MUSCLES 1 Source #5

14 Rat Dissection MUSCLES 2 3 5 4

15 Rat Dissection MUSCLES 3 5 4 Rectus Abdominis 6

16 Rat Dissection MUSCLES 4 8 7 9 10 3 11

17 Rat Dissection ABDOMINAL CAVITY Source #7

18 17 12 16 13 14 15 Source #1

19 18 18 19

20 Rat Dissection Trachea Heart Lung Diaphragm THORACIC CAVITY
Review and Quiz Yourself Rat Dissection THORACIC CAVITY Trachea Heart Lung Diaphragm Source #2

21 Rat Dissection ABDOMINAL CAVITY 1. Liver 2. Stomach 3. Pancreas
Review and Quiz Yourself Rat Dissection ABDOMINAL CAVITY 1. Liver 2. Stomach 3. Pancreas 4. Small Intestines 5. Small Intestines 6. Cecum Source #2

Review and Quiz Yourself Rat Dissection ORGAN FUNCTION NAME THAT ORGAN: Produces insulin for glucose metabolism Aids in digestion of proteins Food tube from pharynx to stomach Digests and absorbs nutrients Secretes bile, cleans blood, stores glycogen Cleans blood, removes old RBC’s Reabsorption of water Pouch where Smal Intestine joins Large Intestine End of intestines, compaction of feces Pancreas Stomach Esophagus Small Intestines Liver Spleen Large Intestine Cecum Rectum

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