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Greek Lesson 1 Vocabulary 12 total.

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1 Greek Lesson 1 Vocabulary 12 total

2 Lesson 1: Vocabulary 1. Anthropology (noun) – the science of human beings, the study of human beings in relation to distribution, origin, and relationships. Example sentence: Anthropology dwells into the social structures of civilizations by studying bones and artifacts.

3 Lesson 1: vocabulary 2. Philanthropy (noun) – an active effort to promote human welfare and good will. Example sentence: The organization’s department of philanthropy distributed gifts and money to charities.

4 Lesson 1: vocabulary 3. Misanthrope (noun) – one who hates or distrusts mankind Other people are quite dreadful. The only possible society is oneself. - Oscar Wilde Example sentence: Many recluses who live alone are considered misanthropes. He was an Irish writer and poet who actually gave a lecture in Lawrence Kansas in 1882.

5 Lesson 1: vocabulary 4. Bibliography (noun) – the history, identification, or description of writing Example sentence: Many teachers request a bibliography to check the writer’s sources. The Modern Language Association publishes the MLA Style Manual which is an academic style guide that provides guidelines for writing and documenting sources.

6 Lesson 1: vocabulary 5. Euphony (noun) – pleasing or sweet sound
Example sentence: The symphony played a harmonious succession which created a euphony to my ears.

7 Lesson 1: vocabulary 6. Cacophony (noun) – harsh or discordant sound
Example sentence: The poorly tuned instrument made a cacophony like I have never heard before.

8 Lesson 1: vocabulary 7. Megaphone (noun) – a cone-shaped device used to intensify or direct the voice Example sentence: Cheerleaders use a megaphone to incite the crowds to cheer.

9 Lesson 1: vocabulary 8. Microscopic (adjective) – very small, precise, fine Example sentence: Microscopic objects cannot be seen without the use of a microphone.

10 Lesson 1: vocabulary 9. Macroscopic (adjective) – large enough to be observed by the human eye Example sentence: My science project contained macroscopic units, so I did not need a microscope.

11 Lesson 1: vocabulary 10. Megalomaniac (noun/adjective) – a person who exhibits grandiose performances of a mania. Example sentence: The patient demonstrated megalomaniac effects when he locked himself in a closet. Breaking Bad, Heizenberg

12 Lesson 1: vocabulary 11. Telescope (noun) – any of various tubular magnifying optical instruments Example sentence: The spy used a telescope to observe the enemy in another building.

13 Lesson 1: vocabulary 12. Aphonic (adjective) – Without a voice, speech, or sound Example sentence: My cold made me sing with an aphonic or scratchy voice.

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