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The Cold War Chapter 18.

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1 The Cold War Chapter 18

2 Post WWII Issues The Soviets and the US had different concerns after the war The Soviets were concerned about security Germany and invaded them twice in the last 30 years They wanted to keep Germany weak They wanted control of the countries in between Germany & U.S.S.R. Communism over capitalism

3 Post WWII Issues America was concerned about economics
They were convinced that the depression led to the war They wanted to promote economic growth They believed in capitalism and the free market economy

4 Yalta Conference

5 Yalta, Ukraine The Yalta Conf. was in Feb of ’45
Several of the agreements reached there would play an important role in the Cold War Poland: The Polish government would be set up by the Soviets. Future free elections Declaration of Liberated Europe Divided Germany: four zones

6 Four Zones

7 Tensions Grow The Soviets pressure the King of Romania to appoint a communist government We believed this was a violation of the Declaration of Liberty The Soviets would only allow 3 non-communist to serve in the 18-member Polish government, no free election

8 Truman Potsdam Conference

9 Potsdam July of 1945 Workout the German question
Truman believed that we needed to allow the German economy to recover Stalin wanted reparations He was stripping his zone of all equipment and sending back home A compromise was made, Truman also told Stalin about the A-Bomb

10 The Iron Curtain

11 Pro-communist governments in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. Satellite Nations Yugoslavia was independent but communist Churchill's "Iron Curtain" Speech - YouTube

12 The Long Telegram George Kennan, a diplomat and the American Embassy in Moscow. His views explaining the Soviets behavior A Russian sense of insecurity Struggle against capitalism Impossible to reach any permanent settlement American Policy “a long term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies”

13 Iran An attempt by the Soviets to gain control of the Iranian oil
We sent the USS Missouri into the Med to put pressure on them to get out

14 The Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine Speech 250011-09.mp4 – YouTube
Us gave $400 million to fight Communist aggression in Greece and Turkey Stalin wanted the straits of Dardanelles Its goal was to aid “free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressure”

15 The Marshall Plan Sec of State George Marshall
European Recovery Program Europe in Ruins and the Marshall Plan – YouTube It would weaken the appeal of communism and open new markets

16 German Tension grows in German, we believed that the Soviets were trying to undermine the German economy. US, GB, and France merge their zones into one, West Germany. The Soviet side would become East Germany Berlin?


18 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Org

19 Warsaw Pact

20 China Mao Zeodong, leader of the Communist movement
We funded the Nationalist Mao Zedong – YouTube Taiwan, former nationalist

21 Korean war Allies divided Korea at the 38th Parallel
Soviets had the north US had the south

22 June 25th 1950 North Korea invades Truman calls on the UN
China enters the war Gen MacArthur vs. Truman Limited War Truman dismisses MacArthur YouTube

23 The Cold War at Home A new RED SCARE The fear of communist subversion
The effort to secretly weaken a society and overthrow its government 1947 the Loyalty Review Program Screen all federal employees HUAC: the House Un-American Activities Committee FBI, and Hoover, would infiltrate group suspected of subversion

24 Alger Hiss The Rosenbergs The Hollywood Ten Unions The Venona Project
Project VENONA vs Rosenbergs - YouTube The Hollywood Ten Unions

25 McCarthyism He turned the investigation into communism a witch hunt- a search for disloyality based on flimsy evidence and irrational fears He would badger individuals and refuse to accept their answwers Welch versus Joseph McCarthy YouTube

26 Fear of the Bomb Do It Yourself Fallout Shelter - YouTube

27 Eisenhower

28 New Policies “more bang for buck” we must be prepared to use nuclear weapons Massive Retaliation: we should not fight small wars to contain communism. We must threaten the use of nuclear weapons if the Communist state tried to seize territory by force. NASA: in reaction to the “Sputnik Crisis” Critic called this Brinkmanship: the willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side to back down

29 The Korean War Ends Tiawan Crisis The Suez Crisis DMZ
China was shelling the island and announced that it was soon to be liberated The Suez Crisis Make sure Arab nations didn’t align with the communist Egypt Dam

30 CIA Containment in developing nations
Iran: the prime minister nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and wanted to remove the pro-American Shah. The Shah was in exile. We sent agents to start a coup and return the Shah to power. It worked Guatemala: we wanted to protect our interests. Guzman win election with support of communists. We armed and trained rebels in secret camps in Nicaragua and Honduras. When they invaded Guzman left office

31 Khrushchev

32 The Speech CIA got a copy of the secret speech
It caused an uprising in Hungary

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