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Do Now What is consciousness?.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What is consciousness?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What is consciousness?

2 Unit 5 : States of Consciousness
Sleep and Dreams

3 Introduction Consciousness Aware of ourselves and out environment
EX: Being present in class States of consciousness Sleep Awake Altered states

4 Altered States

5 Sleep and Dreams

6 Circadian Rhythm Circadian Rhythm 24 hour cycle Temperature changes
our body temperatures fluctuate throughout the day rises when we wake up continues to peak throughout the day and begins to drop as our bodies prepare to sleep Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) Melatonin Sleep inducing hormone light activates retinal proteins which then trigger the SCN (in hypothalamus)  tell the pineal gland to stop producing melatonin


8 Sleep Stages Awake Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Alpha waves Sleep
Slow, awake brain waves Stage 1 Sleep Natural loss on consciousness Hallucinations False sensory experiences EX: seeing a ghost that isn’t really there Hypnagogic sensations Feeling like falling but you aren’t REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Stage 2 Sleep spindles Bursts of rapid brain activity Stage 3 Stage 4 Delta waves Large slow brain waves Occur in deep sleep

9 REM Sleep REM Sleep vs. NREW REM Sleep cycle
Rapid eye movement vs. non-rapid eye movement REM Occurs multiple times throughout the night During stage 1 but not in the initial descent Vivid dreams happen here Aka paradoxical sleep Sleep cycle 90 minutes Repeats itself Less deep sleep the longer one sleeps

10 Sleep Differences Everyone needs 8 hours Cultural influences
False It varies rom person to person Cultural influences Siesta in some cultures Access to electricity Sleep debt Accumulates over a 2 week period

11 Effects of Sleep Loss Study done by the Navy Age and sleep loss
Shows once sleep debt is paid off  lives improved Age and sleep loss Less sleep = older Chronic sleep loss Can lead to stress and bad eating habits Over weight Time changes Leads to more or less accidents

12 Function of Sleep Sleep theories Sleep protects
Predators come out at night Sleep helps recuperations Restore and repair damages Memory storage Helps categorize the day’s events Sleep and creative thinking Inspiration can come in a dream Sleep and growth Hormone release

13 Sleep Disorders Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep Apnea Night Terrors
Can’t fall or stay asleep Narcolepsy Random falling asleep Sleep Apnea Stop breathing when sleeping Night Terrors Happen during stage 4 Terrified/fear Sleepwalking/sleep-talking

14 Dreams – What we dream? Dreams Freud reasoning for what we dream
Images and feeling in a sleeping person’s mind Freud reasoning for what we dream Manifest content The story of the dream Usually has info from the day’s activity Non-sexual EX: I dreamt I was at work teaching Latent content Underlying meaning in dreams Can be sexual Unconscious drives and desires EX: I dreamt I was at work killing students

15 Dreams - Why do we dream? To satisfy our own wishes
To file away memories to develop/preserve neural pathways To make sense of the neural static The reflect cognitive development REM rebound Dream more when you don’t get to dream because you are awakened during dreaming

16 Sleep over the lifetime






22 Today Questions Quiz tomorrow on sleep & dreams HW = Hypnosis

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