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Politics of Slavery.

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1 Politics of Slavery

2 Slave Resistance Harriet Tubman David Walker Denmark Vesey Nat Turner
Underground Railroad David Walker Published anti-slavery propaganda Denmark Vesey South Carolina, 1822 Nat Turner Virginia, 1831

3 Slave Resistance Cultural Resistance Everyday Acts of Resistance
“How many times I spit in the biscuits and peed in the coffee just to get back at them mean white folks.” Flight

4 Missouri Compromise, 1820 Role of the Ohio River
Henry Clay negotiated compromise Missouri a slave state Maine a free state 36˚ parallel distinguishes between slave and free states

5 1830’s Controversies American anti-slavery society
John C. Calhoun and nullification Gag Rule Arkansas a slave state, 1836 Michigan a free state, 1837

6 Texas and Slavery Texas a slave territory at independence
Southerners v. Free Soilers Texas & Florida annexed as slave states, 1845 Sectional balance Iowa, 1846 Wisconsin, 1848

7 Aftermath of Mexican American War
Question of slavery in new territories Application of Missouri Compromise Fire Eaters Crisis over California

8 Compromise of 1850 California a free state
New Mexico & Utah, no restrictions on slavery Texas relinquishment of lands in New Mexico End of slave trade in Washington DC Popular sovereignty in western territories

9 Fugitive Slave Act, 1850 Federal Agents to capture runaway slaves
Free African Americans in danger Stripped African Americans of legal rights Economic incentive to enslave Required U.S. citizens to comply

10 Compromise of 1850, Controversies
Daniel Webster “traitor to the cause of freedom” Zachary Taylor favored free states Millard Fillmore passed Fugitive Slave Act Stephen Douglas pushed one article at a time

11 Compromise of 1850 - Aftermath
Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin Fire Eaters banned Uncle Tom’s Cabin Aunt Phyllis’ Cabin

12 Politics of Slavery Key terms: Harriet Tubman, David Walker, Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner, Missouri Compromise, Gag Rule, Sectional Balance, Compromise of 1850, Popular Sovereignty, Fugitive Slave Act, Daniel Webster, Stephen Douglas, Harriet Beecher Stowe

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