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Medea in myth.

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Presentation on theme: "Medea in myth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medea in myth

2 The Travels of Jason and Medea

3 Athamas Phrixus, Helle Orchomenus

4 stepmother Ino

5 Phrixus and Helle

6 between Europe and Asia ...
Hellespont Orchomenus

7 Phrixus

8 at the ends of the earth ... Colchis Hellespont Orchomenus

9 the Golden Fleece

10 Helios | Aeetes, Circe Medea

11 meanwhile back in Thessaly ...
Iolcus Orchomenus

12 Pelias, Aeson | | Acastus Jason

13 Jason and Chiron

14 Pelias Jason

15 Pelias Argo Argonauts

16 to the ends of the earth ... Colchis Iolcus

17 the Harpies

18 Aeetes

19 Medea

20 Jason and Medea

21 Medea’s potions

22 yoking the bulls

23 the dragon’s teeth

24 the sown men

25 the serpent

26 the fleece

27 Medea and her brother, Apsyrtus

28 and back to Thessaly ... Colchis Iolcus

29 Jason with fleece Pelias

30 Medea and the ram

31 the daughters of Pelias

32 the daughters of Pelias

33 on the road again ... Colchis Iolcus Corinth

34 Jason and the princess

35 Medea and her children

36 Medea and the chariot of Helios

37 on the road again ... Colchis Iolcus Athens Corinth

38 Theseus Aegeus

39 Medea, Theseus, Aegeus

40 Medea and Theseus

41 Theseus, Medea, Aegeus Aegeus

42 Medea’s escape (with Medus)

43 to foreign lands ... Colchis MEDIA Iolcus Athens Corinth


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