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Math Environmental Literacy Project

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Presentation on theme: "Math Environmental Literacy Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Environmental Literacy Project
Period: By:

2 Are we heading toward, or is there currently, a water crisis in the world and what does that mean for life?

3 United States’ Graphs

4 ___________’s Graphs

5 ____________’s Graphs

6 What trends do you see in the data?

7 What do you think are the reasons for these trends
What do you think are the reasons for these trends? Why might this be the case? Do people always settle in places where there is a lot of water available, or do people sometimes live in dry climates?

8 How do you think these trends will effect life in the future?

9 How much water on average does the typical American use per year (in cubic meters)?

10 My Household’s Water Usage

11 How does America’s average water usage compare to the other countries?

12 What actions could be taken to help?

13 What would happen if a population increased, would there be changes to water availability?

14 After your research and data analysis, do you think we are headed towards or are currently in a water crisis and what does that mean for life?

15 References

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