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Wartime Diplomacy The United States and Great Britain

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Presentation on theme: "Wartime Diplomacy The United States and Great Britain"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wartime Diplomacy The United States and Great Britain
Great Britain and the Soviet Union The United States and the Soviet Union The Second Front Casablanca The Soft Underbelly Teheran

2 I. United States and Great Britain

3 Neville Chamberlain

4 Winston Churchill

5 II. Great Britain and the Soviet Union

6 Viacheslav Molotov Sir Stafford Cripps

7 Anglo-Soviet Treaty (May 26, 1942)
Twenty-year alliance Cooperation to defeat Hitler No agreement on borders

8 III. United States and the Soviet Union






14 IV. The Second Front

15 Operation Torch


17 Charles de Gaulle

18 V. Casablanca Conference (January 14 – 24, 1943)


20 Casablanca Conference (January 14 – 24, 1943)
Battle of the Atlantic Lend-lease Bomber offensive Aid to Pacific Theater “Unconditional Surrender” Mediterranean Strategy

21 VI. The Soft Underbelly


23 Pietro Badoglio

24 Joseph E. Davies

25 Moscow Conference (October 19 – 30, 1943)
Hull Eden Molotov

26 Moscow Conference (October 19 – 30, 1943)
4-Power Declaration on General Security “Unconditional Surrender” Soviet declaration of war on Japan

27 The Cairo Conference (Nov. 22 – Nov. 26, 1943)

28 Mao Zedong

29 Patrick Hurley

30 VII. Tehran Conference (Nov. 28 – Dec. 1, 1943)

31 Tehran Conference (Nov. 28 – Dec. 1, 1943)
Operation Overlord Operation Anvil Soviet declaration of war on Japan Talk of postwar world


33 X. The Percentages Agreement

34 The Percentages Agreement
U.S.S.R Great Britain 90% Romania % 75% Bulgaria % 10% Greece % 50% Hungary % 50% Yugoslavia %

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