Daniel’s story.

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1 Daniel’s story

2 ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16) This is a story of lives transformed in Lima, the capital of Peru. It tells of how the local church and Tearfund’s partners are responding to Jesus’ call to be his presence among poor, overlooked and forgotten people.

3 ‘I used to fight a lot on the streets. Older boys made me drink beer.’
Daniel This is Daniel, aged 12, who lives in extreme poverty in a dusty, dangerous shanty town on the outskirts of Lima. When his father abandoned his family, his mum Maribel struggled to cope and provide for Daniel and his sister Alexandria, aged 9.

4 ‘My life was crying and crying in bed
‘My life was crying and crying in bed. I couldn’t sleep but I didn’t want to go out.’ Maribel Angry and alone, Daniel spent more and more time hanging around on the streets. With no support and no job, Maribel became depressed and withdrawn. She feared she would lose Daniel for ever.

5 ‘God knows we are precious to him – we are the child of his eyes.’
Elena But Daniel’s local church refused to let that happen. They called on Tearfund partner Agape to help. They sent Elena, pictured here with Daniel.

6 ‘Agape taught me about God – how he cares for us and loves us
‘Agape taught me about God – how he cares for us and loves us. God has transformed my life.’ Maribel Elena encouraged Maribel to attend workshops for people like her to help her take control of her life. Through prayer, encouragement from the Bible and material support, Elena worked closely with Maribel, Daniel and Alexandria.

7 ‘God helped me to change my life, and I feel very happy.’
Daniel Now Daniel has realised he needs to be with his family and strive for a better future. Maribel’s outlook has transformed: she has plans to use her skills to start a business. Daniel did not end up as a street child, and his family is happy and together. They now have a strong faith in Jesus and are all active members of their local church.

8 ‘Local churches know the people in their communities well
‘Local churches know the people in their communities well. They are well placed to meet the needs of the people around them.’ Elena Transformation starts with individuals like Elena, inspired by God. A life transforming lives. Jesus came into the world – fully human, fully God – and his bodily presence was key to God’s rescue plan for humanity. He walked among us, healed us, loved us. And he commissioned his church to carry on that work, through his Spirit.

9 ‘The church, in its nature, is full of mercy.’
Elena Across the world, through local churches and Christian partners, Tearfund works with tens of thousands of children and families living under unimaginable pressure in extreme poverty. We’re asking you to respond by praying and giving to our work.

10 Please pray • ‘Thank God for bringing Agape and my local church to help me, and many families where I live.’ Daniel • ‘Thank Jesus for the amazing transformation of my family and for our new-found faith.’ Maribel • ‘Please ask God to transform the minds of more families like Daniel’s, for them to be released into freedom.’ Elena Please pray for Daniel and his family, and for the work of our partner in Peru. Agape is looking to expand its work by training local church pastors to work with more children and families.

11 Please give £20 could provide 32 children with an essential school kit with notebooks, pencils, eraser, pens, backpack and paper. £50 could support a woman like Daniel’s mum Maribel with one year’s training in making and selling handcrafts to improve the family income. (This leaves the family with more money to invest in education, food and healthcare.) £200 could pay for three families to attend a course on strengthening family values and relationships. The global recession has meant it’s been a tough few years for us all, but it’s been toughest of all for poor people. But the generosity of the local church has been steadfast – demonstrating the unfailing generous love of Jesus. Please give whatever you can to support struggling families like Daniel’s.

12 www.tearfund.org Photos: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund
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