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Over $4 Billion back to Scouting since 1980

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1 Over $4 Billion back to Scouting since 1980
Fall 2018 Popcorn Sale! Council welcomes everyone Over $4 Billion back to Scouting since 1980 AMERICA’S POPCORN SALE - FUNDING ADVENTURES! OVER $4 BILLION BACK TO SCOUTING SINCE 1980

We have partnered with Boy Scouts of America Councils and Units to raise the funds needed to deliver the promise of Scouting for over 37 years. THANK YOU! OVER $4 BILLION RAISED FOR SCOUTING SINCE 1980 TE talk about what we’ve done for Scouting

3 WHY TRAIL’S END? TE talk about what we’ve done for Scouting

4 2017 Popcorn Unit Commissions
IT’S FOR THE SCOUTS! Scouts sell to earn their own way in Scouting. Provides them the opportunity to fund their entire year in Scouting. Provide unit’s the funding to execute a successful program year. 2017 Popcorn Unit Commissions $140,157 Fill in your council’s commission that was paid out. Stress the importance of monies earned

5 WHY WE SELL POPCORN Introduce Pack 2017 video on why we sell.

6 SET YOUR GOAL Your Unit goal should be based on every
Scout earning their Ideal Year of Scouting. What is the Ideal Year of Scouting? It’s your Unit’s calendar of Adventures and Events, such as Campouts, Day Trips, Blue & Gold, Pinewood Derby, and more! Provide each Scout with the experience of a lifetime. What do your Scouts want to do? Push the Ideal Year of Scouting. We want to express the id

7 SET YOUR GOAL What is your Ideal Year of Scouting?
Popcorn goals should be based on your budget to fund your budget with one fundraiser. How much Popcorn will each Scout sell to earn their way? Whatever their goal is, they can hit it. Remind them of what Pack 2017 did. It is the extreme but whatever you want to do is good

8 SCOUT GOAL: $1,000 Your Scouts can sell $1,000 and earn an entire year of fun filled Scouting programs with only three easy steps: 1. Scouts work four 2-hour solo storefront shifts. Scouts average $100/hr. $800 2. Scouts each sell door-to-door to their neighbors for about an hour. $100 Scouts sell to one or two friends and family online. The average online sale is over $65! Goal $1,000 Show how easy it is to hit $1,000 in 8 hours or less as in this example

9 UNIT GOAL: $30,000 A Unit with 30 Scouts can sell $30,000 in Popcorn.
1. Book two stores for Show & Sells Friday’s, Saturday’s, and Sunday’s throughout your sale. This will provide more shifts than you need, allowing some Scouts to be Top Sellers! 2. Scouts each sell door-to-door to their neighbors for about an hour. Tip: Scouts that have popcorn with them (Show & Deliver, or “Wagon sales”) sell more popcorn in less time! 3. Scouts sell to friends and family online. The average online sale is over $65! It only takes two sales per Scout to make a big difference in your sale. There’s new online incentives too! This expands the Scout goal to the Unit level. Expect objections! Even finish the slide with “I know $30,000 sounds like a lot, but this wasn’t our idea. Pack 2017 gave us their system, and we’re going to share that with you.”

10 HOW THEY DID IT How did Pack 2017 sell $190,000 with 85 Scouts?
Build A Team Shared ideas and shared efforts Plan the sale like a business Show & Sell Focus One Scout & One Parent per shift Four shifts per Scout Use Technology Online Show & Sell Schedule ( Accept Credit Cards (Square) Individual Sales Tracking (Square) Parent Buy-In Character develop program One fundraiser a year: No dues Commit to 8-10 hours of their time Motivate Scouts Add your own prizes to what council is providing Recognition of top sellers: THE PIE IN THE FACE. Reinforce that Pack 2017 got parents to buy in. That’s why it’s number one on the list


12 TRAINING VIDEOS Popcorn Team Training Videos at
Developed by Team that sold $190,000. Focused on Show-n-Sell/Show-n-Deliver. No login required-watch anytime 24 Videos (40 minutes) Team Building & Planning Ways to sell Show-n-Sell basics Booking locations Scheduling shifts Merchandising a table Training Scouts & Parents Show-n-Deliver basics Kickoffs Logistics of the sale Financial best practices And much more…… Stress all the videos we have available.

13 SHOW & SELL VIDEOS Reinforce the videos that we have

14 SHOW & SELL BASICS Embed / Play the “Show & Sell” basics video Reinforce the Show & Sell plan Remind them “each video goes into details on various aspects of the sale”

15 WANT MORE HELP? Facebook Group Connect with other Kernel’s Share ideas
Ask questions – get answers! Weekly Webinars Available Planning Session The Team from Pack 2017 are committed to your Units success. Get one on one help from the Pack 2017 Team. Setup a time now! There are more tools available to you. We have a Facebook Group, and Sean from Pack 2017.

16 UNIT COMMISSION Base Commission: 30% (35% - Two Week Blitz)
Scout’s Honor: 3% 10 % More: 2% Prizes Option: 3% Review commission

17 Products Review commission

18 2018 SCOUT INCENTIVES Insert Prize flyer

10 for $10 Promotion Units earn a $10 Amazon e-gift card for each 10 Scouts in their unit with an online sale Redemption: Amazon code ed to unit primary contact monthly Qualification Period: January 1 to December 31, 2018 Scouts: Sell $300 online in a calendar year and earn 5% of every dollar sold as an Gift Card.  Disney Orlando trip for two 3 Random winners-Scouts with at least one online sale Top 5 online seller Scouts register accounts at Review online incentives provided by TE

20 2018 SCOUT BONUS PRIZE In addition to the prizes from the brochure, qualifying Scout will earn the additional prizes: Sell $1,500 Movie Madness Invitation Sell $2,500 Scholarship Sell $5,000 $150 Amazon Gift Card Update if applicable

21 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Scouts who sell at least $2,500 (in one calendar year) are eligible for the Trail’s End Scholarship. 6% of their sale is put into an interest bearing account. They will continue to earn 6% of all sales once eligible. Information available at Highlight National program

22 TOP SELLER What might a Top Seller look like?
1. Scout works ten 2-hour solo storefront shifts. Scouts average $100/hr. $2,000 2. Scout each sell door-to-door to their neighbors for about four hours. $400 3. Scout sell to five friends and family online. The average online sale is over $65! $350 Top Seller $2,750 Provide a Top Seller example. This is what you want all Scouts to strive for.

23 KEY DATES Show-n-Sell orders due: 8/24/2018
Two Week Blitz starts: 8/24/2018 Two Week Blitz ends: 9/06/2018 Show-n-Sell Distribution: 9/14/2018 Show-n-Sell returns: 10/15/2018 Take Orders/Prizes due: 10/15/2018 Payment/Paperwork due: 10/17/2018 Take Order Distribution: 11/02/2018 Update

24 CONTACT INFORMATION Bobbi Carter: Staff Advisor Sharon Rendon: Council Kernel Sean Stanford: Pack 2017 Update

25 Thank You Have a Great Sale!

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