Labor Unions & Strikes United States History.

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Presentation on theme: "Labor Unions & Strikes United States History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labor Unions & Strikes United States History

2 Three Choices for Workers…
Continue in misery Join a Union and possibly get fired or even killed Become a communist and start a revolution

3 Socialism Public control of property & income
Society should be in charge of wealth Wealth should be redistributed equally Karl Marx & Frederick Engels How to get this done? Workers revolution

4 Could This Happen In America?
How could this help workers? Who would be against Socialism/Communism in America? This is radical—is there something less radical that would help workers?

5 Less Radical—Labor Unions
Unions: improve working conditions (not overthrow the system) Collective Bargaining Strikes (last resort) Best—national strike Why was this appealing to workers?

6 Knights of Labor First important national union
Terence Powderly founder Wanted to organize ALL workers: skilled, unskilled and of all backgrounds (no racial restrictions) Set the example: negotiate, then strike if needed Goals: 8 hour day; end of child labor Lost influence after violent strikes

7 Other Unions American Federation of Labor (AFL):
Founder Samuel Gompers Smaller local unions with a national organization Wages, hours, conditions Strikes, collective bargaining Barred African-Americans Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Founder Eugene V. Debs Wobblies Socialists

8 Wobblies View of the World

9 Employers’ Reaction No Union Meetings Union organizers fired
Blacklisting Yellow Dog contracts: Employee promises not to join a union Would not bargain collectively Strikes met with violence

10 The Great Strikes Haymarket Riot (1896)—8 hour workday (national strike); scabs hired in Chicago (fights); rally—bombing & gunfight btw. Police & strikers; Ill. Law: help with murder, then you are a murderer: 4 anarchists hanged for murder (one blew himself up in prison). Never determined who threw the bomb. Homestead Strike (1892)—Carnegie Steelworkers called a strike (factory cut their wages) & were fired; management sent in “private” police force (fight with deaths); strike called off Pullman Strike (1894): Company town; wages cut 25% (Panic of 1893); food prices in town NOT cut; Pullman fired three negotiators; strike; all RR traffic halted; strike ordered illegal because mail couldn’t get through

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