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Normal elbow. Normal anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the elbow with labeling of relevant anatomy. 1 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت.

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Presentation on theme: "Normal elbow. Normal anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the elbow with labeling of relevant anatomy. 1 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت."— Presentation transcript:

1 Normal elbow. Normal anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the elbow with labeling of relevant anatomy.
1 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

2 Normal elbow. Normal lateral radiograph of the elbow with labeling of relevant anatomy.
2 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

3 Normal elbow. Normal oblique radiograph of the elbow with labeling of relevant anatomy.
3 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

4 4 ELBOW Series 1 دکتر امید لیاقت
Normal elbow. Anterior humeral line and radiocapitellar line on normal lateral radiograph. The anterior humeral line is drawn along the anterior cortex of the distal humeral shaft and should bisect the middle third of the capitellum. The radiocapitellar line is parallel to the long axis of the radial neck and should bisect the capitellum. These were originally reported for evaluation of the pediatric elbow and have not been validated in adults. 4 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

5 5 ELBOW Series 1 دکتر امید لیاقت
Elbow, fractures and dislocations. Elbow effusion with associated fat-pad elevation in the setting of radial head fracture. The anterior fat pad is elevated, and its undersurface is convex, giving the "spinnaker sail sign." The posterior fat pad is elevated out of the deep olecranon fossa and is visible just above the cortex of the distal humerus. 5 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

6 Elbow, fractures and dislocations
Elbow, fractures and dislocations. Posterior dislocation of the elbow without fractures. Note malalignment of the radiocapitellar line and ulnotrochlear joints. 6 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

7 7 ELBOW Series 1 دکتر امید لیاقت
Elbow, fractures and dislocations. "Terrible triad of the elbow." Lateral elbow radiograph shows posterior fat-pad elevation (white arrowhead), widening of ulnotrochlear joint (short white lines), and fractures of the radial head (black arrow) and coronoid process (white arrows). Subtle posterior subluxation of the proximal radius relative to the capitellum also can be seen. 7 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

8 Elbow, fractures and dislocations
Elbow, fractures and dislocations. Monteggia fracture-dislocation of the elbow. Lateral elbow radiograph shows anterior radial head dislocation (with discontinuity of radiocapitellar line, white line) and an apex-anterior proximal ulnar shaft fracture (black arrow). This would be classified as Bado type I, the most common Bado subtype of Monteggia injuries. 8 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

9 9 ELBOW Series 1 دکتر امید لیاقت
Elbow, fractures and dislocations. Essex-Lopresti injury of the forearm. Anteroposterior (AP) elbow radiograph showing fracture of the radial neck (black arrows) and discontinuity of the radiocapitellar line (white lines) due to dislocation of the fractured radial head. 9 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

10 10 ELBOW Series 1 دکتر امید لیاقت
Elbow, fractures and dislocations. Anteroposterior (AP) wrist radiograph shows dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint (black arrowheads), and complete disruption of the interosseous ligament is therefore inferred. Incidentally, this patient also has perilunate fracture-dislocation with rotation of the lunate (L) and fracture through the scaphoid waist. 10 Series 1 ELBOW دکتر امید لیاقت

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