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Topic: Evaluating the Adams Presidency ( )

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1 Topic: Evaluating the Adams Presidency (1797-1801)

2 John Adams as President
Adams vs Jefferson “mud-slinging” election Adams wins by narrow margin Adams stubborn, old fashioned, but “independent” Revolutionary credentials Problems: Opposition of Dem-Reps Hamilton hates Adams too (“High Federalists”) French anger at Jay’s Treaty (pro-British)  French attack American ships

3 “Quasi-Naval War” With France
Federalists want war Adams sends an envoy to France XYZ Affair “millions for defense, but not one cent in tribute” American naval build-up Undeclared war ( ) France can’t fight another enemy… Adams tries for peace again Convention of 1800 Adams now unpopular with Federalists

4 “Wartime” Hysteria (1798-1800)
anti-French sentiment Federalists benefit Afraid of Democratic-Republican opposition Alien Acts Changing citizenship requirements Anti-Foreigner Sedition Acts Restrict press and speech Illegal to criticize the government

5 Jeffersonians React Sedition acts trying to stop Dem-Rep
End of an opposition party? Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Alien and Sedition against the constitution States did not have to obey unconstitutional laws Nullification Election of 1800: Jefferson vs. Adams (Again!) Who wins…?

6 Conclusion In your opinion, was Adam’s Presidency a failure? What role did “partisan politics” play in the Adam’s Administration’s problems? Explain in 3-4 sentences

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