Classroom and Benchmark Assessment Items

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1 Classroom and Benchmark Assessment Items
Classroom and Benchmark Items (Formerly in the ClassScape System) 3-8 ELA: 5453 English II: 593 3-8 Math: 11186 Algebra I/Integrated I: 2376 5 Science: 1871 8 Science: 2297 Biology: 1635 Total: (development is ongoing) This is a breakdown of what is available in the system now, more items will be added on a schedule that is TBD (likely on a monthly basis). All ClassScape Items, benchmark and classroom, are live for users as of 8/13/13. Teachers can see a total of over 23,000 classroom items (total from all sources) and district assessment users can see over 34,000 items (this includes both benchmark and classroom items from all sources in the system). These items are split into a bank for teachers to use daily for classroom assessment purposes (Publisher = NCDPI_Classroom) and a bank that is secure at the district level for benchmark purposes (Publisher = NCDPI_Benchmark).

2 Purchased Resources (Assessment Items)
Classroom (non-secure) Science and Social Studies Assessment Items [8,600+ items] NWEA Social Studies Items Grade 7: 43 Grade 8: 17 Global Geography: 131 World History: 524 American History I: 124 American History II: 517 Civics and Economics: 617 Total: 1973 NWEA Science Items Grade 3: 152 Grade 4: 633 Grade 5: 352 Grade 6: 1006 Grade 7: 880 Grade8: 659 Physical Science: 603 Biology: 1030 Chemistry: 596 Physics: 174 Earth and Environmental: 594 Science Total: 6679 NWEA = Northwest Evaluation Association These items were purchased as part of the contract for Home Base and are aligned to the NC Essential Standards in Science and Social Studies. NWEA items are available to teachers at the classroom level and should not be used for benchmark assessments (Publisher = NWEA). These items are currently active to all users (so if teachers or district users log-in to the system today, these items are available).

3 Purchased Resources (Assessment Items)
Throughout Next Generation K-12 Common Core ELA and Math Items [in Development] These items were purchased as part of the Home Base contract and are scheduled to be added to the system in batches throughout the school year. The items are still under development through partnerships with Pearson and other state clients. All items are aligned to the Common Core. At this time the plan is for these items to be added to the classroom level for teachers to access and use in their classrooms.

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