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Please take one of each of the papers on the table and have a seat

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Presentation on theme: "Please take one of each of the papers on the table and have a seat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take one of each of the papers on the table and have a seat
Good Morning Welcome to Mr. Peters Environmental Systems Period 2 Please check your schedule, make sure you have the right teacher!! Please take one of each of the papers on the table and have a seat

2 Good afternoon Welcome to Mr. Peters Environmental Systems Period 8
Please check your schedule, make sure you have the right teacher!! Please take one of each of the papers on the table (by the door) and have a seat

3 Environmental Systems
Students will conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students study a variety of topics that include: biotic and abiotic factors in habitats, ecosystems and biomes, interrelationships among resources and an environmental system, sources and flow of energy through an environmental system, relationship between carrying capacity and changes in populations and ecosystems, and changes in environments.

4 Welcome to Mr. Peters Biology Period 3
Good Morning Welcome to Mr. Peters Biology Period 3 Please check your schedule, make sure you have the right teacher!! Please take one of each of the papers on the table (by the door) and have a seat

5 Welcome to Mr. Peters Biology Period 3
Good Morning Welcome to Mr. Peters Biology Period 3 Wednesday, August 26th

6 Welcome to Mr. Peters Biology Period 3,4 and 5
Good Afternoon Welcome to Mr. Peters Biology Period 3,4 and 5 Wednesday August 26th, 2015

7 A Lunch – Science, Social Studies, ELA, Study Skills
Lunch Schedule A Lunch – Science, Social Studies, ELA, Study Skills B Lunch- Fine Arts, CTE, MLL, LOTE C Lunch – Math, Athletics, PE/Dance, MAPS

8 Biology This introductory course defines biology and its relationship to other sciences. We examine the overarching theories of life from biological research and also explore the fundamental concepts and principles of the study of living organisms and their interaction with the environment. We will examine how life is organized into hierarchical levels; how living organisms use and produce energy; how life grows, develops, and reproduces; how life responds to the environment to maintain internal stability; and how life evolves and adapts to the environment.

9 Saturn V Rocket Restoration at Johnson Space center,
NASA, Webster Texas

10 All school rules apply in this classroom
NO Ear Buds/Headsets may be used EVER in the classroom!! Please do not talk when I am talking. Unless you are looking up my website there is no reason to have your devices out. Each person will be given 3 restroom opportunities per a 9 weeks.

11 Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 Warm up
In your Spiral Note book or a half sheet of paper, draw out a diagram of the classroom. Be sure to include the location of your desk, the fire extinguisher and the Emergency Wash station.

12 Thursday, August 27th, 2015 Warm up
In your Spiral Note book or a half sheet of paper, draw out a diagram of the classroom. Be sure to include the location of your desk, the fire extinguisher and the Emergency Wash station.

13 Thursday, August 27th, 2015 Warm up
In your Spiral Note book or a half sheet of paper, express a reason, in 3-5 sentences, why we should not horse play in the lab.

14 Friday, August 28th, 2015 Warm up
In your Spiral Note book or a half sheet of paper, express a reason, in 3-5 sentences, why we should not horse play in the lab.


16 Safety Poster (to beautify my room)
You are to choose 3 safety statements, from the “Remembering Safety” half sheet we glued in our notebooks, and Illustrate them onto a piece of poster board.You will work in groups of 3 persons. We will work on this today and tomorrow, please draw well and clearly. this will count as a Quiz grade.

17 Environmental Systems
Note book Layout First Page: Today's date in the corner. Today’s warm up on the top half of the page. “How to write an article from a scientific journal” on the bottom. Front cover opened up

18 Number a piece of paper 1-10 and list the top ten Lab safety Rules as you watch the video.



21 Characteristics of all living things

22 Characteristics of all living things

23 Characteristics of all living things

24 Characteristics of all living things

25 Characteristics of all living things

26 Characteristics of all living things

27 Characteristics of all living things

28 Characteristics of all living things

29 Characteristics of all living things

30 Characteristics of all living things

31 Characteristics of all living things

32 Independent Variable -The “Cause” -This is the part we are testing.
If I am testing what amount of water will make a plant grow tallest, what is my independent variable?

33 Dependent Variable -The “Effect”
-This is what changes as a result of my independent variable. -It is also generally what we measure. If I am testing what amount of water will make a plant grow tallest, what is my dependent variable?

34 Controls -Designed to reduce the effects of things other than the independent variable that may mess up my experimental results. In my plant experiment, would it be ok for me to put one plant in the sun and one in the dark? why/why not?

35 Let’s practice one. I want to see which is best at killing the bacteria on my hands, hand soap or hand sanitizer. I grow some bacteria on a petri dish, and I put a droplet of sanitizer on one side and a drop of soap on the other. I put the petri dish in an incubator at perfect body temperature and humidity. What is my independent variable? What is my dependent variable? What are some controls in my experiment?

36 Safety Quiz Bonus question (Do it on the back)
Express a reason, in 3-5 sentences, why we should not horse play in the lab. Then Draw a Lab Safety violation. (ie. Student with no goggles getting acid in their eyes)

37 What is Ecology?

38 Environmental Systems Vocab

39 Environmental Systems Vocab

40 Ecology Vocabulary population habitat niche exponential growth logistic growth 13. density-dependent controls density-independent controls exploitation predation parasitism prey host predator parasite symbiotic interactions commensalism 18. mutualism competition community

41 Ecology Vocabulary biomass 11. food chain autotrophs 12. heterotrophs
primary producers primary consumers secondary consumers 14. food webs food pyramid trophic level biomagnification succession climax community ecosystem physical environments 18. adaptations carbon cycle oxygen cycle nitrogen cycle pollution

42 Ecology Vocabulary acid rain endangered species overpopulation 5. biomes regions niche

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