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CSE 4705 Artificial Intelligence

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 4705 Artificial Intelligence"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 4705 Artificial Intelligence
Jinbo Bi Department of Computer Science & Engineering

2 Informed search strategies

3 Informed search Part I (classical search)
Informed = use problem-specific knowledge Best-first search and its variants A* - Optimal search using knowledge Proof of optimality of A* A* for maneuvering AI agents in games Heuristic functions Part II (beyond classical search, Chap 4) Local search and optimization Local search in continuous space Hill climbing, local bean search, …

4 Informed search Is Uniform cost search the best we can do?

5 A better idea

6 The straight-line distance from each city to Bucharest:
Start Goal

7 A heuristic function

8 Breadth first for games, robots

9 An optimal informed search (A*)

10 Breadth first for a world with obstacles
Pink: start node; Dark blue: goal Breadth-first search expands many nodes

11 Informed search (A*) in that world

12 Greedy best-first search

13 Greedy best-first search example

14 Greedy best-first search example

15 Greedy best-first search example

16 Greedy best-first search example

17 Properties of greedy best-first search

18 Properties of greedy best-first search

19 Properties of greedy best-first search

20 A* search

21 Admissible heuristics

22 A* search example

23 A* search example

24 A* search example

25 A* search example

26 A* search example

27 A* search example

28 A* search example

29 Optimality of A* (intuitive)

30 Optimality of A* using tree search

31 Optimality of A* using tree search

32 Properties of A* search

33 Properties of A* search

34 Properties of A* search

35 Properties of A* search

36 A lemma: Consistency

37 Creating good heuristic functions
Chap 3.6

38 Heuristic functions

39 Heuristic functions

40 Admissible heuristics

41 Admissible heuristics
8 =18

42 Relaxed problems

43 Defining heuristics: h(n)

44 Dominance

45 Iterative deepening A* and beyond

46 Iterative deepening A* and beyond

47 Informed search II When A* fails – hill climbing, simulated annealing
Genetic algorithms

48 Outline

49 Local search and optimization

50 Hill climbing

51 Hill climbing on a surface of states

52 Hill climbing search

53 Hill climbing search example

54 Questions?

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