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Presentation on theme: "TEACHING PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT UPDATE"— Presentation transcript:

Commission on Teacher Credentialing TEACHING PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT UPDATE October 2007 Ensuring Educator Excellence

2 What’s New with the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA)
Statewide Implementation of a Teaching Performance Assessment begins July 1, 2008 (SB 1209) Alternative TPA models approved by the Commission allowed by SB 2042 and SB 1209

3 What’s New with the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) (cont.)
Commission TPA model (Cal TPA) will have four tasks: Subject-Specific Pedagogy Designing Learning Assessing Instruction Culminating Teaching Experience TPA models provide formative and summative assessment information

4 TPA Models Currently two approved models, including the
CA TPA, and PACT. A third model is under review. All TPA models require Commission approval Programs must implement an approved TPA model All models contain tasks that candidates complete to demonstrate mastery of the Teaching Performance Expectations

5 Teaching Performance Assessment is…
an assessment that requires candidates to demonstrate through their performance with K-12 students that they have mastered the knowledge, skills and abilities required of a beginning teacher, as exemplified in the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs).

6 TPA Background 1998 Passage of SB Revision of teacher credentialing standards Development work on the CA TPA model 2003-present Implementation delayed due to state budget crisis and requests from the legislature and others 2006 Implementation required by SB 1209 as of July 1, 2008 (Chap. 517, Stats. 2006)

7 Teaching Performance Expectations What a beginning teacher should know and be able to do
A. Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction B. Assessing Student Learning TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments

8 Teaching Performance Expectations (continued)
C. Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning TPE 4: Making Content Accessible TPE 5: Student Engagement TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices TPE 7: Teaching English Learners

9 Teaching Performance Expectations (continued)
D. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students TPE 8: Learning about Students TPE 9: Instructional Planning

10 Teaching Performance Expectations (continued)
E. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning TPE 10: Instructional Time TPE 11: Social Environment F. Developing as a Professional Educator TPE 12: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations TPE 13: Professional Growth

11 Who is Required to Take a Teaching Performance Assessment?
All candidates in Commission-approved multiple and single subject teacher preparation programs must meet the teaching performance assessment requirement starting in July 2008.

12 Who Must Offer a Teaching Performance Assessment?
All Commission-approved multiple and single subject teacher preparation programs must offer a teaching performance assessment that is embedded within the program for all candidates starting in July 2008.

13 Who Are the Assessors of Candidate Performance?
University teaching faculty, field supervisors, master teachers K-12 teachers, supervisors, support providers, administrators Retired faculty, teachers, administrators Other education professionals

14 CA TPA Performance Scoring
Each task has a specific scoring rubric that describes the characteristics of a candidate’s performance relative to that task Each rubric has four score levels, ranging from a low of 1 to a high of 4 Scorers (assessors) are trained and calibrated to apply each rubric to candidate performance

15 Use of CA TPA Results Formative information for use by the candidate
Summative information as one basis for the recommendation of a candidate for a credential Evidence of program effectiveness Formative information for use in an induction program

16 TPA Questions? Contact your Campus College Chair


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