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ECE 434 Advanced Digital System L04

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1 ECE 434 Advanced Digital System L04
Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Western Ontario

2 Outline What we know What we do not know Combinational Networks PALs
Analysis Synthesis AND-OR-NOTs, NORs, NANDs, MUXes, ROMs, PLAs Hazards in combinational networks What we do not know PALs Sequential Networks Basic Building Blocks Mealy Sequential Networks 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

3 Review: Basic ROM Structure
ROM Types Mask-programmable ROM EPROM EEPROM Flash 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

4 Review: Programmable Logic Arrays
Perform the same function as a ROM n inputs and m outputs – m functions of n variables AND array – realizes product terms of the input variables OR array – ORs together the product terms 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

5 Review: PLA with 3 inputs, 5 p.t., 4 outputs
17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

6 Programmable Array Logic (PALs)
PLAs Both AND and OR arrays are programmable PAL is a special case of PLA AND array is programmable and OR array is fixed Motivation for PALs Programmable switches historically presented two difficulties to the manufacturers hard to fabricate correctly => increase the price reduce the speed performance of circuits PALs are less expensive, faster, and easier to program Disadvantage: less flexible 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

7 Programmable Array Logic (PALs)
Unprogrammed Programmed 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

8 Using PALs: An Example Implement the following: x x x P P P P
1 2 3 Implement the following: P 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 AND plane 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

9 Using PALs: An Example x x x P f P P f P AND plane 17/11/2018
3 P 1 f 1 P 2 P 3 f 2 P 4 AND plane 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

10 Typical PALs Typical PALs have from 10 to 20 inputs
from 2 to 10 outputs from 2 to 8 AND gates driving each OR gate often include D flip-flops f 1 To AND plane D Q Clock Select Enable Flip-flop MUX output is “fed back” to the AND plane. Why? 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

11 Logic Diagram for 16R4 PAL 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

12 Logic Diagram for 16R4 PAL 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

13 Sequential Networks Have memory (state) X = x1 x2... xn
Present state depends not only on the current input, but also on all previous inputs (history) Future state depends on the current input and state X = x1 x2... xn Q = Q1 Q2... Qk Z = z1 z2... zm x1 z1 x2 z2 Q Flip-flops are commonly used as storage devices: D-FF, JK-FF, T-FF xn zm 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

14 Clocked D Flip-Flop with Rising-edge Trigger
Next state The next state in response to the rising edge of the clock is equal to the D input before the rising edge 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

15 Clocked JK Flip-Flop Next state JK = 00 => no state change occurs
JK = 10 => the flip-flop is set to 1, independent of the current state JK = 01 => the flip-flop is always reset to 0 JK = 11 => the flip-flop changes the state Q+ = Q’ 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

16 Clocked JK Flip-Flop Next state
T = 1 => the flip-flop changes the state Q+ = Q’ T = 0 => no state change 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

17 S-R Latch 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

18 Transparent D Latch 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

19 Transparent D Latch 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

20 Mealy Sequential Networks
General model of Mealy Sequential Network (1) X inputs are changed to a new value After a delay, the Z outputs and next state appear at the output of CM (3) The next state is clocked into the state register and the state changes 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

21 An Example: 8421 BCD to Excess3 BCD Code Converter
z Q X (inputs) Z (outputs) t3 t2 t1 t0 1 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

22 State Graph and Table for Code Converter
17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

23 State Assignment Rules
17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

24 Transition Table 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

25 K-maps 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

26 Realization 17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

27 To Do Study textbook chapters Do homework #1 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 1.6, 1.7
17/11/2018 UAH-CPE/EE 422/522 AM

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