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Charlee and stan’s guide to the skeletal system

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1 Charlee and stan’s guide to the skeletal system

2 What is the skeletal system?
The skeletal system is the frame work of the body, consisting of bones and other connective tissues, which protects and supports the body tissues and internal organs. The human skeleton contains 206 bones, six of which are the tiny bones of the middle ear(three in each ear) that function hearing.

3 osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue, which can lead to increased risk of fracture. Known and the “silent thief”, bone deterioration can occur over a number of years without any symptoms. Unfortunately bones break or fracture, the disease is already fairly advanced and less treatable. The most common fractures associated with Osteoporosis are in the hip, spine, and shoulder. Today, no known cause for osteoporosis has been identified.

4 Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer affects the prostate gland, the gland that produces some of the fluid in semen and plays a role in urine control in men. The prostate gland is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in men. The prostate gland is part of the reproductive system. Some symptoms include frequent urges to urinate, including at night, and blood in the urine.

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