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A Foundation of Truth Quiz Lesson 44.

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1 A Foundation of Truth Quiz Lesson 44

2 True or False? __ Shortly after the Great Disappointment, only about 100 people still believed prophecy had been fulfilled on October 22, 1844. __ Joshua Himes and William Miller gave up their faith in Jesus after the Great Disappointment. __ James White, Ellen White, and Joseph Bates attended all the Sabbath Conferences.

3 True or False? __ It was easy for the few believers to discover new truths and be in agreement. __ People accused James White of getting rich from people’s donations. __ James and Ellen White were so poor, they sometimes did not have money to buy food to eat.

4 How Many? ____ About how many believers expected Jesus to come in 1844? ____ About how many believers stayed loyal after the Great Disappointment? ____ About how many people were at the first Sabbath Conference?

5 True or False? __ The Sabbath Conferences were important because they helped the believers unite on truth, through Bible study and prayer. __ The Sabbath Conferences were important because they helped thousands of people believe in the Bible Sabbath that year. __ The Sabbath Conferences were important because they helped officially organize the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

6 In Ephesians 4:1-7, Paul tells believers to be . . .
__ humble. __ gentle. __ independent. __ proud. __ unified. __ patient.

7 Number in order the things Paul tells us to do in Hebrews 10:23-25.
__ To consider one another in order to stir up love and good works __ To exhort one another __ To hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering __ To not forsake meeting together

8 What three periodicals did James White print?
__ Life and Health __ The Signs of the Times __ The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald __ Present Truth __ The Youth’s Instructor

9 What three lessons about money did James and Ellen White practice?
__ Do not waste or be selfish with what God provides. __ God owns everything, so it isn’t necessary to be careful with money. __ Save and be economical. __ God will provide what we need in order to do what he asks us to do. __ God will provide, so it is okay to waste things.

10 In what year was the Seventh-day Adventist Church organized?
__ 1798 __ 1844 __ 1863 __ 1888

11 ___ to shew thyself ___ unto ___, a ___ that needeth not to be ____, ____ dividing the ____ of ____.
( __ Timothy 2:__)

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