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Lighting of the candles

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1 Lighting of the candles
Jeopardy General Hanukkah Lighting of the candles Songs and dares People Symbols 500 400 300 200 100

2 What holiday is not mentioned in the torah?
Passover Hanukkah Yom Kippur Shavuot

3 Sorry, wrong answer!!

4 Correct!!! Hanukkah isn’t written in the torah!

5 The king that ordered the destruction of the second temple came from what country?
Babylon Egypt Rome Syria

6 Sorry, wrong answer!!

7 Correct!!! The king that ordered the destruction of the second temple came from Syria

8 The word Hanukkah means:
Education Purification Dedication Victory

9 Sorry, wrong answer!!

10 Correct!!! The word Hanukkah means dedication and refers to the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem.

11 What city did the Maccabees live in?
Modi’in Beit-El Tel Aviv Jerusalem

12 Sorry, wrong answer!!

13 Correct!!! The Maccabees lived in Modi’in, which is between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Modi’in Jerusalem

14 Where was Yehuda Ha Maccabee’s first victory?
Beit-Charon Beit-El Modi’in Jerusalem

15 Sorry, wrong answer!!

16 Correct!!! Yehuda Ha Maccabee’s first victory was in Beit-Charon

17 When Hanukkah is on a Shabbat which candles are lit first
When Hanukkah is on a Shabbat which candles are lit first? The Shabbat candles or the Hanukkah candles?

18 Sorry, wrong answer!! Next team!
We light Hanukkah candles first because once we light Shabbat candles than we brought in the Shabbat and we can’t light anymore candles, so we light the Hanukkah candles and then we bring in Shabbat by lighting the Shabbat candles!!! Sorry, wrong answer!! Next team!

19 Correct!!! We light Hanukkah candles first because once we light Shabbat candles than we brought in the Shabbat and we can’t light anymore candles, so we light the Hanukkah candles and then we bring in Shabbat by lighting the Shabbat candles!!!

20 How many blessings do we say the first night?
Two like all other nights Three like all other nights One Three on the first night but the rest of the days are two

21 Sorry, wrong answer!!

22 Correct!!! The first night we say three blessings and all the other nights we say only two! The blessing that we add: Baruch ata Adonai, Elohenu melech ha-olam she-hecheyanu, ve-kiyemanu, ve-higiyanu la-zeman ha-zeh. Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, King of the Universe,  Who has kept us alive, and has preserved us,  and enabled us to reach this season.

23 Where do we light the Hanukkah candles?
Inside the house It doesn’t matter It has to be next to a window Next to a window or next to an entrance

24 Sorry, wrong answer!!

25 Correct!!! We light the candles next to a window or next to an entrance, what is important is that people could see it! We spread the light…

26 How long do the candles have to last?
An hour It doesn’t matter A half an hour from sun down Ten minutes from sun down

27 Sorry, wrong answer!!

28 Correct!!! The candles have to last a half an hour from sun down.

29 We light the candles from _________ to _________
Left to right Right to left No specific order One on each side working our way in

30 Sorry, wrong answer!!

31 Correct!!! We place the candles in the Menorah's far right (as you face the Menorah) candle holders Another candle is placed for the Shamash (helper candle). We say the blessings and then light the candles using the Shamash candle. We light the left-most candle first and then light in order, from left to right. We follow this procedure for each night of Hanukkah

32 What side of the door do we put the Menorah?
On the right side It doesn't matter In the middle On the left side

33 Sorry, wrong answer!!

34 Correct!!! We put the menorah on the left side of the door so that it is on the opposite side of the mezuzah. This way we are surrounded by mitzvoth.

35 What song do we traditionally sang after the lighting of the menorah?
I Have a Little Dreidel Maoz Tzur Sivivon, sov, sov, sov Oh Hanukkah! Oh Hanukkah!

36 Sorry, wrong answer!!

37 Correct!!! After the lighting of the menorah it is traditional to sing Maoz Tzur

38 Make a kosher Menorah out of the shoes from the kids in your group.
Get to work!

39 Make up a song of what you love most about Hanukkah

40 You have ONE minute to come up with a short play about the victory of the Maccabees

41 Sing the first verse of Maoz Tzur
Maoz tzur yeshuati Lecha naeh le-shabeyach Tikon beit tefilati Vesham todah nezabeyach.

42 Az egmor v'shir mizmor Chanukat hamizbeyach.
Translation O mighty stronghold of my salvation, to praise You is a delight. Restore my House of Prayer and there we will bring a thanksgiving offering. When You will have prepared the slaughter for the blaspheming foe, Then I shall complete with a song of hymn the dedication of the Altar. Maoz Tzur Maoz tzur yeshuati Lecha naeh le-shabeyach Tikon beit tefilati Vesham todah nezabeyach. Le'et tachin matbeyach Meetzar hamnabeyach Az egmor veshir mizmor Chanukat hamizbeyach Az egmor v'shir mizmor Chanukat hamizbeyach.

43 Who was the villain of Hanukkah?
Antiochus Achashvehrosh Pharaoh Goliath

44 Sorry, wrong answer!!

45 Correct!!! The villain of Hanukkah is Antiochus.

46 What was the name of Judah Ha Maccabee’s father?
Yair Matityahu Binyamin Shimon

47 Sorry, wrong answer!!

48 Correct!!! Judah Ha Maccabee’s fathers name was Matityahu.

49 Who was the Cohen Ha Gadol?
Rashi Moshe Matityahu Goliath

50 Sorry, wrong answer!!

51 Correct!!! Matityahu was a Cohen Gadol

52 What was the name of the Roman leader whom took part in the Beit-Charon battle?
Tripon Shimon Syron Yonatan

53 Sorry, wrong answer!!

54 Correct!!! Syron was the Roman leader whom took part in the Beit-Charon battle.

55 Who was sent by Yehuda to save the Jews from the Galil?
Yonatan Karen Shimon Tamar

56 Sorry, wrong answer!!

57 Correct!!! Shimon was sent by Yehuda to go save the Jews from the Galil.

58 Which letter is not on the Dreidel?
Nun Gimel Bet Shin

59 Sorry, wrong answer!!

60 Correct!!! Beit isn’t on the dreidel. The letters on the dreidel are
Nun- (for Nes) Gimel- (for Gadol) Hey- (for Haya) Shin- (for Sham)

61 What letter on the dreidel here isn’t on the dreidel in Israel?
Shin Nun Hey There is no difference

62 Sorry, wrong answer!!

63 Correct!!! The letter Shin is not found on a dreidel in Israel. In Israel you would find the letter Pey. Pey is for po, here. The miracle that happened here. Out side of Israel we have the letter Shin for sham there, meaning Israel.

64 In 1958, what country’s national bank created special coins to be used at Hanukkah “gelt”?
United States Canada Israel China

65 Sorry, wrong answer!!

66 Correct!!! Israel created special coins used as Hanukkah gelt in 1958

67 What is acceptable to use for lighting other than candles?
Torches You are only aloud to light candles Oil Only olive oil, you can’t use any other oil

68 Sorry, wrong answer!!

69 Correct!!! It is acceptable to light the menorah with oil, and not only candles.

70 What was the oil found in?
It was already in the Menorah In side a dreidel In a jug In a bowl

71 Sorry, wrong answer!!

72 Correct!!! The oil was founded in a jug!!!

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