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Elements of Folk Literature

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1 Elements of Folk Literature

2 How did folk literature originate?
Folk literature began as stories that were passed along by word of mouth. (the oral tradition)

3 What is the difference between a theme and a universal theme?
A theme is a message or insight about life. A universal theme is a message or insight that is broad enough to be understood by many different people.

4 What are some of the different types of folk literature?
Folk tales – stories about heroes, adventure, magic, or romance. Fables – brief stories or poems that teach lessons or morals Folk songs – present the ideas, values, and beliefs of a culture in musical form Myths – fictional tales that explore the actions of the gods or heroes Legends – traditional, familiar stories about the past which usually have some basis in fact but the facts have been changed over the years in the retelling, making them more fiction than fact.

5 What are some patterns found in folk literature?
Many folk tales begin with simple phrases like Once upon a time…or Long ago in a far-off land Threes are also common in folk tales, for example,The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

6 What is an archetype? An archetype is an element that recurs regularly in literature and has similar meanings to people of different cultures and time periods. Examples: Characters: enchanted princesses, tricksters, talking animals, superhuman heroes, and villains  Plot: dangerous journeys, quest to prove one’s honor, search for a valuable item. Ideas: good vs. evil, magic in the normal world, heroes and heroines aided by supernatural forces, evil disguised as good

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