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Cooperative learning – The Good Samaritan

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1 Cooperative learning – The Good Samaritan
Moral Dilemmas Cooperative learning – The Good Samaritan

2 Learning Intention I am learning what to do when faced with a difficult situation I am learning how to solve dilemmas to become a more responsible citizen and caring person. Social Intention: I am learning to listen carefully to my group

3 Success Criteria By the end of the lesson…
I can explain how I can become a more responsible citizen by solving dilemmas. I can explain how I would solve various situations. I can make eye contact with the person who is talking to show I am listening to them.

4 Voice on the table Starting with person number 2, share
1. Your favourite colour 2. Something you have done recently to help someone else.

5 Team Building You already have a name for you group but today I would like you to finish decorating your name. You have only 5 minutes

6 What is a dilemma? Group thinking time
Discuss in your groups. Everyone must have an answer.

7 Rotating Roles To start with your roles are:
First person to share an idea Scribe Checker – checks that the scribe has listened carefully to everyone’s ideas and written those down. Speaker After each dilemma the roles rotate so everyone will get a chance to do each job.

8 You find £10 on the pavement. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
Dilemma number 1 - You find £10 on the pavement. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

9 You are given too much change in a shop. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
Dilemma number 2 You are given too much change in a shop. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

10 Dilemma number 3 You lose a special present your mum or dad has given you for your birthday. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

11 You see your friend cheating in a maths test. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
Dilemma number 4 You see your friend cheating in a maths test. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

12 You’ve been invited to two friend’s parties on the same night.
Dilemma number 5 You’ve been invited to two friend’s parties on the same night. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

13 Dilemma number 6 Lana was on the playground when her friend Sarah walked over to her and said, “I’ve got a lovely chocolate bar here, try a bit.” Lana asked Sarah where she got the chocolate bar from and Sarah said she saw it fall out of another girl’s bag and she quickly picked it up and kept it. Lana really wanted to eat a bit of the chocolate bar because she didn’t get time for breakfast and she is very hungry. However, she knows that it is stolen. WHAT WOULD YOU DO AND WHY?

14 Dilemma number 7 James was walking out of his After School Club when his friend Shaun fell over and hurt his leg badly. He started crying and called James for help. At exactly the same time, James’ friend Neil was called a horrible name by a year 6 boy. Neil started crying too and asked James for help. WHO SHOULD JAMES HELP FIRST AND WHY? WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN THIS SITUATION AND WHY?

15 Dilemma number 8 Carl has £5, which he decides to give to somebody who really needs it. He knows there are lots of people that need money more than him and he doesn’t know who to choose. He knows two people that really need his money. There is a homeless man on his road who always looks cold and needs money. There is also a charity envelope from his school, which is collecting money for people hurt in Earthquakes. Carl can only give money to one of these two causes. WHO WOULD YOU GIVE THE MONEY TO AND WHY? GIVE 3 REASONS IF YOU CAN

16 Extension Can you make up your own moral dilemma for the rest of the class to make up??

17 Bringing the learning together
As a group, come up with 5 ways we can all be more caring people and therefore become more responsible citizens. Example: Always Think about other peoples feelings and do what will cause the least upset to both/all people.

18 Reflection Tell your group one thing you will try and do differently after this lesson. How well did you get on with solving the dilemmas? Out of 5 How well did you listen to your group? Out of 5 How well did you use eye contact when listening to others? Out of 5

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