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DSC Delivery Sub-Group
Agenda (1) Item Title Document Ref Lead 1. Welcome and Introductions
Verbal Chair 2. Meeting’s Minutes For Approval 3. Defect Dashboard For Information DSC Delivery Sub Group – 20th August Donna Johnson 4. AQ Defects Michelle Downes 5. Release 2 update Christina Francis 6. Release 3 update 6a. Release 3 - Market Trials plan updated and High Level Scenarios for Testing Padmini Duvvuri 6b. Release 3 - Market Trials File Transfer Mechanisms 7. June 2019 Release Scope Lee Chambers 8. New Change Proposals 8a. New read reason type for LIS estimate readings For Review/Approval 4725 Change Proposal Simon Harris
Agenda (2) Item Title Document Ref Lead 9.
Change Proposal Initial View Representations 9a. 3667a - Provision of Prospective Formula Year AQ/SOQ to Proposing Users For Discussion DSC Delivery Sub Group – 20th August Simon Harris 9b. The rejection of incrementing reads submitted for an Isolated Supply Meter Point (RGMA flows) Dave Addison / Simon Harris 9c. Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1 (linked to XRN4690) Rachel Hinsley 10. Solution Options 10a. Reconciliation issues with reads recorded between D-1 to D-5 10b. 4687 – PSR Updates for Large Domestic Sites Ellie Rogers 11. ChMC updates For Information
Agenda (3) Item Title Document Ref Lead 12. Miscellaneous 12a.
Change Packs out for consultation For Information DSC Delivery Sub Group – 20th August Richard Johnson 12b. Contact Management Service response file content (.QCL file) Paul Orsler 12c. Xoserve IX Refresh Helen Gilbert 12d. XRN4650: M-Number DVD Automation Ellie Rogers 12e. XRN4665: Creation of New EUC Categories Simon Harris 12f. XRN4686: Smart Metering Report Rachel Hinsley 12g. CNC Batch Timings 13. Action Updates For Review/Approval Chair 14. AOB For Discussion Verbal All
3. Defect Dashboard
Newly Discovered Defects
Defect Summary Stats Stats as per HPQC extract taken on Wednesday 15th August 2018 Defect Landscape (Open/Closed vrs PGL/New) PGL Defects Newly Discovered Defects GRAND RELEASE TOTALS D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TOTAL Not Set Urgent Fix (D1/D2) 2 1 3 R th August 6 8 Requires CR 5 7 Release Planning Currently Unallocated 15 73 90 92 TOTAL OPEN 24 85 113 115 Closed as Rejected 11 26 23 60 84 Closed as CR 10 4 17 Closed - Deployed to Production 28 58 9 102 211 350 148 12 735 837 TOTAL CLOSED 34 80 136 222 380 174 802 938 GRAND TOTAL 31 74 16 138 224 400 256 13 915 1053
R2.03 The below defects were deployed as part of R2.03 on Friday 10th August. Defect ID Status Description Release 962 Closed - Deployed to Production SAP- Confirmation issue Gemini Impact R2.03 999 SAP - TRF issued incorrect Formula Year SOQ for 01/04/18 1006 SAP- New Incident on Site Take over Process 1012 Ticket ID : : SAPBW: Plot Error 1021 Incident on SMP creation 1028 SAP-LIA File Failure in ISU 1030 "OPERATIONAL_STATUS" field is not getting populated in TRF file if the site is isolated 1031 SAP- Dependent Street Issue 1044 UKLink Query :SPA 1100 SAP BW - SR for MNUM DVD 1101 SAP-IDL and IQL files issue 1106 SAP- AUGE Meter Read Report The below defect was deployed as Urgent on Wednesday 8th August. Defect ID Status Description Release 974 Closed - Deployed to Production Linked to Unable to input adjustment from screen for the scenario where adjustment end date belongs to corrector install date and there was no previous converter D1/D2
Amendment Invoice Impacting Defects
Defect ID Status 775 Deployed with R1.13 771 Deployed with R1.20 881 933 Deployed with R1.21 910 849 936 747 Deployed 10/05/2018 908 919 Deployed with R1.22 755 Deployed 26/06/2018 861 Deployed with R1.23 848 884 937 Deployed 08/08/2018 1013 Deployed with R2.01 1014 985 Deployed with R2.02 1064 Deployed 11/08/2018 1113 Deployed 16/08/2018 Defect ID Status 720 Assigned 1052 Fix In Progress 743 Ready For Assurance 1054 New 761 Awaiting CAB 1065 838 1075 859 1085 906 1086 920 1108 DRS Needed 947 1109 958 1114 982 DRS completed 1116 1000 1117 1015 1122 1016 1123 1045 Ready for Internal Testing 1124 1048 1125 1049 There are currently 2, D1/D2 defects which are Amendment Invoice impacting: 886 and 863. Once these are assured, we will deploy and inform you.
4. AQ Defects
AQ Defects The objective of this slide is to provide an update to DSG on the latest position of the AQ defects:
5. Release 2 Update
XRN4361 – UK Link Release 2 - Delivery Overall Project RAG Status
12th July 2018 Overall Project RAG Status G Plan/Time Risks and Issues Cost Resources RAG Status Status Explanation Objective Full project delivery of UK Link Future Release 2 Scope Post Implementation Support 8 changes have completed first usage while 8 changes are in the process of completing first usage due to extra confidence runs due to defect fixes The first usage will be completed by 7th September for all the changes except for the historic data load activity involved for XRN4299 The PIS end date is extended and planned to complete on 2nd November due to the completion of change variation on XRN4299, there are no additional costs involved XRN4299 – ‘No Reads’ report to be delivered on 22nd August XRN4449 – There was an issue reported on the one off Shipper report which has been communicated to the individual Shippers and we are working through the fix to be delivered by end of next week 24th August 2018 Close down activities have commenced for Release 2 and we are targeting to deliver the change completion report in October 2018 Risks & Issues There is a risk that PIS exit is not achieved by the re-planned milestone date Project delivery costs are tracking to approved budgets Weekly monitoring of SME resources supporting multiple demands (e.g. BAU defects, Future Releases, etc) and all requirements are able to be met
UK Link Release 2 - Plan Primary Scope Scoping Initiation Delivery
Realisation Stage Scope Prioritisation Scope Defined Funding Analysis and HLD Detailed Design Build Acceptance Test Performance Regression Imp. PIS Baseline Plan 07/06/17 25/07/17 09/08/17 Aug 17 20/11/17 29/01/18 18/05/18 22/06/18 29/06/18 30/07/18 Current Plan 11/10/17 10/01/18 13/12/17 16/01/18 (12/01/18) 16/02/18 23/05/18 02/11/18* RAG Key – Milestones are end dates: Planning/Milestone date to be confirmed Milestone date forecast to be met Milestone date forecast to be at risk Milestone date forecast to be missed Milestone completed
6. Release 3 Update
Overall Project RAG Status
XRN4572 – UK Link Release 3 20th Aug 2018 Overall Project RAG Status A Plan/Time Risks and Issues Cost Resources RAG Status G Status Explanation Objective Full project delivery of UK Link Future Release 3 Scope Extraordinary Change Management Committee on 23rd of July approved the split delivery of Release 3 scope into 13 CRs on 2nd of November and XRN 4454 to be delivered on 1st February 2019 The progress against each track is as below:- Track 1 (13 Changes) – Build and System Testing complete, Acceptance testing in progress and on track. MT preparation ongoing. Slight delay in plan due to Environment and data build activities. No MT delivery impact envisaged at this stage Track 2 (XRN 4454) – The revised Build Plan is tracking Green. System Testing is now underway The Market Trials approach presented to DSG members on 6th August and was well received with no major changes highlighted. Registration period for MT was due to close on 14th August however this was extended to 1pm on 17th August. Weekly pre-meetings have been arranged from 17th August onwards to talk through specific MT topics in more detail. Data provision for participants to be shared from 23rd August onwards for those parties that have registered, preparation of this data is ongoing. Business Change activities are in progress and a schedule for external training was presented to DSG on 6th August. The first training session has been arranged for 21st August and will be available via Webex. A number of participants have already registered for the both training sessions in August. Preparation for the customer day on 5th September is in progress XRN 4658 (BER approved by ChMC on 23rd July) now included in R3 plan with build complete and testing in progress. Due to the late inclusion of change, a close monitoring of progress to enter MT is underway. Risk to MT preparation timescales due to Environment technical and data issues – this is being managed Go Live date dependent on close management of parallelism in plan, which has increased due to Build completion delays (being managed and is currently tracking Green) and other elements i.e. Agreement of MT approach/ Implementation plan agreement. XRN 4658 may not meet all MT requirements on Day 1 (risk is being managed) Full Delivery costs approved at ChMC in April Revision expected to accommodate XRN 4454 delivery date (ongoing discussions) Greater resource needed for XRN4454 (both technical & SME) for fulfilling the need for extended build. Daily tracking of Build plan in place to ensure progressing to revised timelines and additional resource support to deliver XRN 4454 SME resource requirements for Build, ST and AT phases is being managed weekly with internal Xoserve teams.
UK Link Release 3 - Plan Primary Scope Scoping Initiation Delivery
Realisation Stage Scope Prioritisation Scope Defined Funding Analysis and HLD Detailed Design Build & System Test Acceptance Test Performance Market Trials Regression Imp. PIS Track 1 Baseline Plan 10/01/18 07/02/18 11/04/18 13/04/18 04/06/18 13/08/18 07/09/18 10/09/18 08/10/18* 15/10/18 02/11/18 04/01/18 Track 1 Current Plan 10/01/8 13/12/17 04/06/18* 22/10/18 Track 2 Baseline Plan 30/06/18* 24/09/18 05/11/18 N/A 14/12/18* 18/01/18 01/02/19 08/03/19 Track 2 Current Plan Planning/Milestone date to be confirmed Milestone date forecast to be met Milestone date forecast to be at risk Milestone date forecast to be missed Milestone completed RAG Key – Milestones are end dates; *Closedown expected to finish this week
6.a. Release 3 Market Trials Plan Updated and High Level Scenarios for Testing Content will be provided on Monday 20th August in a separate slide deck
6.b. Release 3 Market Trials File Transfer Mechanisms
Market Trial files to E:\XXXXX\General\export
File Transfer principles for MT During Market Trials period all parties are requested to follow the below rules to ensure files are configured properly and sent correctly to MT environment for processing and output generation. Description Shipper Non Shipper File Format 8.3 5.8.3 File name sample TNxxxxxx.ABC UKL01.TNxxxxxx.ABC Outbound file directory E:\XXXXX\ix_inbox Intermediate Move directory (Outbound Files) E:\XXXXX\General\export E:\XXXXX\BGT01\export Inbound E:\XXXXX\General\import E:\XXXXX\BGT01\import PLEASE NOTE: Shippers should ensure outbound files are moved to the correct folders as stated below Market Trial files to E:\XXXXX\General\export If the above is not done correctly then files will be moved to an error folder and this will delay the processing of files. Also, it may corrupt data in the production UKLink system. Use only File name starting with TNxxxxxx.ABC not PNxxxxxx.ABC Please do not send duplicate files –stakeholders should not send files that have already been sent to Xoserve previously and have been processed successfully
File Exchange Process flow Representation through Market Trials for Shippers
Shipper IX nodes Xoserve/TCS DC Sunguard DC BUS01 Site1 (General) New EFT Market Trials Environment Test Inbound File: TN ABC AMT/SAP PO Shipper IX Nodes Test Inbound File: BUS01. TN ABC Test Outbound File: TN ABC Test inbound File: BUS01.TN ABC Test Inbound File: BUS01.TN ABC Test Outbound File: BUS01.TN ABC Test Outbound File: BUS01.TN ABC CR-3656 CR-4273 CR-4337 CR-4431 CR-4443 CR-4453 CR-4458 CR-4481 CR-4486 CR-4495 CR-4534 CR-4538 CR-4539 UMR,UBR,URS, SFN,SFR,JOB, UPD JOB,JRS,CDR, NMO,NMR,CNF, CFR,CRF,TRF,MRI,CRS,TRS,PAC NRL AQI,AQR RCI,OCI,SNO, SNR,CSS,CNF,CRS SFN,SFR, TSF,FSI INV,CAZ,ZCS, COM,COI,ASP,AML ZCS,COI, INV,CAZ,ZCS, COM,COI,ASP JOB,UPD,CDN, CDR,NMR,CFR, TRF,SNR,CRS, TRS UDR, URS,UMR,URS, SFN,SFR JOB,UPD,MBR, JRS,UPR,CDR MID,MIO,FRJ DLC, AQI, CNC,SPC,PCD, GEA, FRJ,ERR,JRS,UPR Shipper upload and download EFT file upload and download SAP PO/AMT upload and download Legend
File Exchange Process Representation through Market Trials -Non Shipper participants Non Shipper IX nodes Xoserve/TCS DC Sunguard DC DEF10 Site1 (E:\DEF01\BGT01) New EFT Market Trials Environment Test Inbound File: E:\DEF01\BGT01\export\UKL01.TN ABC AMT/SAP PO Shipper IX Nodes Test Outbound File: E:\DEF01\BGT01\import\UKL01.TN ABC Test Inbound File: DEF10.TN ABC Test inbound File: DEF10.TN ABC Test Inbound File: DEF10.TN ABC Test Outbound File: DEF10.TN ABC Test Outbound File: DEF10.TN ABC CR-3656 CR-4273 CR-4337 CR-4431 CR-4443 CR-4453 CR-4458 CR-4481 CR-4486 CR-4495 CR-4534 CR-4538 CR-4539 ANT(Agent) ZCS,COI, INV,CAZ,ZCS, COM,COI,ASP EDL(GT),IDL(iGT), EWS, DLC,RPA CIC,DCI, ITC,RD1 Non Shipper upload and download EFT file upload and download SAP PO/AMT upload and download Legend
7. June 2019 Release Scope
Next Steps for June 2019 Release
Xoserve are continuing to complete the capture phase in full for all CPs This will include detailed impact assessment of each CP in scope of the June 19 release ChMC will not approve scope until agreed High Level Solution Options have been agreed with DSG Seek approval from the ChMC at September 18 meeting to agree the CPs proposed for the June 19 Release This will enable release scoping to validate that the demand can meet the capacity available to provide increased delivery confidence
Changes per Major Release by Priority Score and Complexity
February 19 Implementation June 19 Implementation September 19 Implementation November 19 Implementation 100% 90% Key: xxx High Complexity Medium Complexity Low Complexity 80% 70% 4676 60% Xoserve Priority Score 50% 4665 4679 4690 4642 4645 4044 40% 4713 4687 4691 4692 4693 4694 4376 4717 4621 30% 20% 4670 10% 0% Time Proposed Release Dates & Priority Score are reflected from the Change Register. Complexity is an initial stage 1 assessment for each CP
Current Capture Status Xos Proposed Prioritisation Score
Change Index *Footnote: Black italics indicates that the funding has not been formally agreed at ChMC Proposed Release XRN Change Title Current Capture Status Xos Proposed Prioritisation Score Proposed R&N Release Complexity Finance June 19 4670 Reject a replacement read, where the read provided is identical to that already held in UK Link for the same read date Undergoing HLSOIA 21% June 2019 Low Xoserve 4687 PSR updates for large domestic sites 37% Shippers 4690 Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1 40% Medium 4691 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (CGI Files) Undergoing Solution IA 32% DN 4692 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (CIN Files) 4693 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats Files Affected: CIC, CIR, CAI, CAO, DCI, DCO, CIN, CCN, CUN. High 4694 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (Create new data validations ) 4676 Reconciliation issues with reads recorded between D-1 to D-5. 65% 4679 Requiring a Meter Reading following a change of Local Distribution Zone or Exit Zone Scoping possible solution options 4044 Extension of ‘Must Read’ process to include Annual Read sites 35% Cadent Gas 4645 The rejection of incrementing reads submitted for an Isolated Supply Meter Point (RGMA flows) Shipper/DN Sept 19 4376 GB Charging & Incremental (IP PARCA) Capacity Allocation Change Delivery (2019) N/A – In delivery 31% September 2019 NTS 4665 Creation of new End User Categories Capture complete 46% June/Sep-2019 Nov 19 4713 Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1 (linked to XRN4690) 30% November 2019 4717 Use of up to date Forecast weather data in first NDM Nominations Run Solution being reviewed by industry within a Change Pack. 4621 Suspension of the Validation between Meter Index and Unconverted Converter Index 28% Unallocated 4541 Read Design Gaps - Missing Override Flags In RGMA and Retro Files Linked to Retro (4474) Progressing through capture workshops 4474 Delivery of Retro 38%
8. New Changes Proposals
New Change Proposals The objective of this slide is to inform DSG attendees of one new Change Proposal and it’s prioritisation score 8.a. XRN4725 – New read reason type for LIS estimate readings
9. Change Proposal Initial Review Representations
9.a. 3667a – Provision of Prospective Formula AQ/SOQ to Proposing Users
Story so far… XRN3667a was raised to look into solutions to allow the proposed Formula Year (FY) AQ/SOQ values to be visible to proposing users 4 solutions discussed at DMG ( ) with API being the favoured solution DSG agreed to extend scope to include AQ/SOQ history ( ) work looking into permissions for this is ongoing DSG agreed to extended scope to include Suppliers ( ) Agreement to split XRN3667a into 2 phases (DSG ) Phase 1: Delivery of API to show current/proposed Formula Year AQ/SOQ Phase 2: Enhancement or new API to include AQ/SOQ history data CP (XRN Ref TBC) raised to look at issuing notification of Financial Year AQ/SOQ to current system users following discussions with DSG members to mitigate potential misuse of the API service (DSG ) API solution for FY AQ/SOQ to be fed into September’s JMDG via a new use case
Ongoing Assumptions API solution to be used for NDM (Class 3 & 4) MPRNs only, if search is carried out for DM (Class 1 & 2) MPRNs an Error Message or BLANK details will be shown (depending on build options) as Class 1 & 2 sites do not have Formula Year AQ/SOQ values Proposed AQ/SOQ values will only be present once calculated, if search is carried out between April & November these will either be BLANK or match Current AQ/SOQ values (depending on build options) Solution based on assumption that users have the required access/permissions to the API solution and the agreed data items (API Data Matrix is in the works to support this and future API requests for data) Solution is to be used by perspective users to identify proposed FY AQ/SOQ values to facilitate a more reliable switch
Discussion Points DSG held on requested additional details on the following… What would happen if the API system is down outside of the 08:30 to 17:30 period? If the API service is down outside of the helpdesk hours stated above then the service will remain unavailable until such a time as the helpdesk re-opens Overview of the funding arrangements for this API service. Funding for the build, test and implementation of this API service is being done so via the Business Improvements budget However access to API platform and usage of the FY API is a chargeable (non-profit) service (indicative costs below) Band Annual Allowance Band Cost A 60,000 £681.00 B 600,000 £1,263.00 C 3,600,000 £4,170.00 D 7,200,000 £7,374.00 E 12,000,000 £11,289.00 F 18,000,000 £15,739.00
9.b. 4645 – RGMA Flows with Incrementing Readings on Isolated SMPs
Preliminary Data Findings
DSG asked for views on materiality - to help determine solution options Preliminary Data Findings On average there are 8 valid readings during the isolated period Average consumption of Supply Meter Points within sample c44,000 kWh (volume c4,000 m3) between isolation and reconnection readings c 10% of Supply Meter Points included have consumption less than 100 kWh This suggests that this is not commissioning gas – views?
Solution Options DSG asked us to consider an option to accept the transaction as it was expected that this was small volumes of gas associated with commissioning Some instances do appear to be within this category, The majority appear to be isolation reversal notification not having been received following physical activity, some of the periods are very extensive This solution option would have been complex to implement due to impacts to reconciliation principles, assume that: Reconciliation would need to be generated using original Isolation Reading – potentially for the reversal date included within the RGMA transaction? – otherwise would lead to unreconciled gas Original solution proposal was to reject the RGMA transaction, indicating that an incrementing reading was included in the transaction Suggest that notification provided to MAMs to reduce commissioning exceptions
9.c. 4713 – Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1 (linked to XRN4690)
Impacted Applications
Change ID Change Description XRN 4713 The change is to get around the issue of system having to calculate the AQ on the back of negative consumption. If the AQ is already calculated, corrective action needs to be taken at the earliest opportunity. High Level Solution Overview Re-estimate the estimated read once the actual read has come In this option, the system will re-estimate the read once the actual read comes in. Since the re-estimated read will be less than the actual read, negative consumption can be avoided. Solution Specific Assumption: The system impact for this option is high as the solution needs to touch all the possible read sources. Also, the re-estimated read may have to be communicated to all the stake holders. Additional considerations have to be met if the estimated read is already reconciled and already billed. Application Topology Impacted Applications
System Impact Assessment of the Change
Application Impacted System Component Development Type End User Impacted? New / Existing Build? High level description of change in the component Complexity Requirement Clarity Change Complexity Integration Complexity Test Data Prep Complexity Test Execution Regression Testing Impact Performance Impacts SAP ISU UMR Interface Shipper/ Xoserve Existing On the receipt of the new read, system needs to re-estimated the estimated read. UBR SFN DLC UDR MBR/MDR/URN Shipper/ Xoserve Read notification post re-estimation
10. Solution Options (IA)
10a. 4676 – Reconciliation Issues with Reads Recorded between D-1 to D-5
Story so far… An issue was identified where a cyclic read is received by an outgoing shipper for the same day as an FINT read (outgoing shipper transfer read D-1) Issue is causing duplicated energy/charges for a one day reconciliation between cyclic and FINT reads on Class 4 sites Current system logic cannot have 2 active reads for the same day Over 30k instances have been identified to date Although issue has only been experienced for D-1 solution options are proposed to cover D-1 to D-5 (where appropriate) to prevent any potential issues occurring Defect 914 will identify impacted reconciliation periods and correct those already released. Any newly identified reconciliation periods are being held from the invoice 5 solution options were presented at DSG on with a 6th option being put forward DSG members recommended that options 1, 2 & 6 are disregarded and 3, 4 & 5 are taken forward for Impact Assessment
Potential solution options (02.07.2018)
Reject readings received between (D-1 to D-5) of CO confirmation using current Rejection Code Proposed: “SPO request denied as supply point ownership is subject to transfer” Use Outgoing Shippers cyclic read as the Shipper Transfer Read (FINT/OPNT) This would require a new MOD Set the transfer reading for Class 4 transfer reads as the Transfer Date rather than the actual read date (D-5 to D+5) Will still be an issue for D-1 reads Make the read supplied by Outgoing Shipper ‘invalid’ and undo any reconciliations Will need to assess from an UNC perspective Allow 2 reads for a single day on UK Link but have differing read types Allow for the cyclic read to be accepted and then rejected at a later date
Early indication of Impact Assessment
3. Set the transfer reading for Class 4 transfer reads as the Transfer Date rather than the actual read date (D-5 to D+5) This is how the current process works so no additional assessment has can be carried out 4. Make the read supplied by Outgoing Shipper ‘invalid’ and undo any reconciliations Systems Impacted: SAP ISU Process Impacted: Read Process, Reconciliation Process, SPA Change Complexity: High Allow 2 reads for a single day on UK Link but have differing read types Initial assessment indicates that SAP functionality doesn’t support the processing of two active reads on the same register for the same day
Proposal (5b) However when the initial Impact Assessment was being discussed an additional option was produced, 5b SAP is unable to have 2 active reads on the same register for the same date, but acceptance of multiple readings is possible with a view to be used in different processes It is proposed that when the Outgoing Shipper submits a cyclic read between D-1 & D-5 of the Shipper Transfer Effective Date, this read is accepted into UKL but set as inactive If the Incoming Shipper does not load a cyclic reading within the Transfer Read Window (D-5 to D+5) then UKL will estimate a reading on the Shipper Transfer Effective Date (BAU) but use the Outgoing Shippers inactive cyclic read in the estimation calculation (new process) This would make the Shipper Transfer Estimate more accurate to what is physically being off taken at site as the Outgoing Shipper read would be used
Proposal (5b) continued…
If the Incoming Shipper does load an opening reading within the Transfer Read Window (D-5 to D+5) then UKL will (in accordance with UNC) use this read as the Shipper Transfer Reading effective on the Shipper Transfer Effective Date (BAU) Accepting the Outgoing Shipper reading (within D-1 & D-5) but setting it as inactive will ensure that we do not restrict the possibility of an Incoming Shipper submitting an opening reading The Reconciliation process is unaffected and remains BAU (Rec will still go from Cyclic Read to Shipper Transfer Effective Date in all instances)
No read provided by Incoming Shipper
Outgoing Shipper Incoming Shipper Xoserve D-5 D+5 Shipper Transfer Effective Date Transfer Read Window E OPNT FINT E Cyclic Read A Cyclic Read A Cyclic Read A Reconciliation Reconciliation
Read provided by Incoming Shipper
Outgoing Shipper Incoming Shipper Xoserve D-5 D+5 Shipper Transfer Effective Date Transfer Read Window A OPNT FINT A Cyclic Read A Opening Read A Cyclic Read A Cyclic Read A Reconciliation Reconciliation
10.b. 4687 – PSR Updates for Large Domestic Sites
XRN4687 - PSR updates for large domestic sites
To date, 6 solution options for XRN4687 have been discussed Initially, DSG agreed that option 3 (Change the validation threshold from 73,200kWh to 732,000kWh) and option 4 (Remove the validation) should be impact assessed as potential immediate solutions. It was confirmed that both of these options relate to validation changes on the Customer Amendment file (CNC) only At the last DSG, members agreed to consider another solution, (option 6) for impact assessment which would allow PSR information to be sent on a confirmation of a LSP. This option could be a potential longer-term solution as it would be an amendment to the CNF hierarchy to allow the S84 – Priority Services information to be sent with a confirmation Following the meeting, the request to reconsider option 2 (Move the validation from AQ to Market Sector Code) has been raised. It has been highlighted that this option could also be a longer-term solution and assist to improve data quality The intention is to discuss this option at DSG on 20th August and solicit views from members regarding considering option 2
11. ChMC Updates 8th August 2018
DSC Change Committee Summary – 8th August
7 new change proposals raised and approved XRN4717 – Use of up to date forecast weather data in first NDM Nominations run – Approved Issued for a 10 day solution review within the August Change Pack (closing on 24th August) XRN4713 – Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1 – Approve Referred back to DSG on 20th August for solution discussions. XRN4650 – Automation of M Number DVD (M Number Download) Referred to DSG on 20th August for further awareness XRN4691 – CSEPS IGT and GT file formats (CGI File) XRN4692 – CSEPS IGT and GT file formats (CIN File) XRN4693 – CSEPS IGT and GT file formats (CIC CIR CAI CAO DCI DCO CIN CCN CUN Files) XRN4694 – CSEPS IGT and GT file formats (Create new Data validations) Solution/Delivery option approval No updates BER approval XRN4632 – Analysis for Gemini Enhancements – BER Approved
DSC Change Committee Summary – 8th August
Release Updates: Release 2 Delivery completed successfully now in Post Implementation Support period. Release 3 Reporting split into the 2 delivery tracks Track 1 – 13 changes Track 2 – Cadent Billing change Both tracks are on plan and therefore shown GREEN (for delivery) Market trial update: Confirmation of invite to participate issued Plan for testing period View of which participants should test each change Business change update for R3 training R3 customer open day (5th September) Future release June 2019 Presented scope for consideration for inclusion in June 2019 delivery
DSC Change Committee Summary – 8th August
CSS consequential change update Level 2 CSS analysis is ongoing Intention for the external BRD to be out for review towards the end October. Findings of analysis are to be provided at future DSG meeting. CSS Bid is ongoing but response will be provided end of August if we are moving to next stage XRN4695 UIG Taskforce update Work ongoing to mobilise team Contract due to be signed off 20th August Intention to provide an update in September UIG Taskforce AOB items No updates (1 item – IX update deferred to next month)
12. Miscellaneous
12.a. Change Packs Out for Consultation – Latest Change Pack
For information to DSG, the following slides contain a set of Change Packs currently in progress. This slide contains the latest Change Pack Communication 2043 – RJ – RH refers to the latest change pack which was distributed on Friday 10th August 2018; it included the following: Ref. Subject Closeout Date RJ – RH Change Management Committee important dates 2019 24/08/2018 (for representation comments) RJ - RH Notification of Non-Business Days and Non-Supply Point System Business Days N/A – for information only RJ - RH XRN Use of up to date Forecast weather data in first NDM Nominations Run – Solution View 24/08/2018 (for solution views) RJ - RH XRN4679 -– Requiring a Meter Reading following a change of Local Distribution Zone or Exit Zone - Solution View RJ - RH XRN4525 – Transparency of Rolling AQ Reports RJ - RH XRN Suspension of the Validation between Meter Index and Unconverted Converter Index - Solution View 24/08/2018 (for representation comments)
12.b. Contact Management Service response file content (.QCL file)
Customers familiar with the Contact Management Service (CMS) will be aware that all Contacts raised are assigned a unique reference known as a Contact Reference Number When Contacts are resolved an , known as the QCL file, is issued to the raising User This response contains each of the Contacts resolved (by Contact Reference Number), and describes whether the Contact was resolved as valid or invalid by UK Link systems Customers have fed back that it would be beneficial to include additional data items within the QCL file, namely; MPRN, Resolution text, and if relevant; Associated QMP file details (i.e. file name) These items have been identified as being able to better assist Customers to process any Contacts that have failed to successfully update UK Link systems As the QCL file is an interface all Customer Classes have with CMS we welcome views from DSG members on the following; a) Whether changes to the QCL file would be supported? b) Whether you support the suggested data item additions? DSG members’ view’s will be used to help take this initiative forward if it is deemed necessary
12.c. Xoserve IX Refresh Customer – Overview Change Pack – August 2018
To provide DSG with an update on progress
Have you got all of the site information required?
IX Site Survey We issued site surveys to all of our customers in May and have been busy working with you over these past few weeks to obtain your site information. As of the 27th July, we have received 140 completed responses (82%), and 27 (19%) of you are in contact with us and we hope to have your site information soon. We have yet to achieve contact with just 3 sites (2%) but we are still actively pursuing contact. If you would like to check whether your survey has been submitted, please contact us at or call We will not be actively chasing site responses after 31st July. Those we receive after this point will be planned in at the end of roll-out plan. Have you got all of the site information required?
Hardware Installations – Circuits
We have now issued communications to those customers included in the first batch of circuit installations. These are sites for which we have received a completed site survey and have little or no access requirements. The communication provides a high-level view of activities for your installation - based on your IX Option (see Appendix A). The circuit installation appointments for these sites are now being issued from Gamma, and work has commenced from 23rd July. Statistics for these appointments (successful, failed, follow up appointments needed, etc.) will be available as we progress through the plan. What’s the progress with the installations? What if I haven't yet received a communication or appointment? We are still in the process of planning site visits, continuing to prioritise those sites with few access requirements. It may also be that we are still awaiting your Site Survey. Those customers who have received a site communication can expect an appointment from Gamma (GNS Project Provisioning) to follow shortly. Please accept the appointment date if you are able to grant access to the BT OpenReach engineer on that day, otherwise, you will need to reject the appointment with a reason and confirm suitable dates for your circuit installation.
Next Steps July Pursue the last few Site Surveys from organisations
Aug First batch of New Circuit Installation & Connectivity Testing Aug Further planning and checking Site Access Requirements Sep Second batch of New Circuit Installation & Connectivity Testing
Appendix A: IX Service Line Options
Xoserve are replacing your IX kit on a ‘like for like’ basis, therefore your replacement IX service option and contract will match the IX option you currently have, which will be one of the following: Option 1 - Primary ADSL and Back-Up ADSL connection Option 2 - Primary EFM and Back-Up ADSL connection Option 3 - EFM Primary and EFM Back-Up connection Option 4 - Primary Fibre/ Ethernet and Back-Up ADSL connection The following slide displays the on-site installation process; the number of site visits that are required is dependant upon your IX service line option complexity.
Appendix B: Your Customer Journey
The number of days required to complete the activity will be dependant upon your IX Service option Day 1 IX Survey Response A number of remote off-site activities also take place to assess your site’s requirements and to set-up and test connections and configure hardware Comms Circuit Installations Up to 4 Hours Service Interruption Comms Router Installation Your survey responses are being used to define the roll-out plan Comms Server Installation Xoserve and Gamma will communicate with you directly to agree your installation dates Comms Legacy Kit Decommissioning Engineer(s) will visit your site to install new circuits; the number of site visits and the access method will vary according to your IX service option and site complexity The Router Installation will take place in one site visit Key: Site Visits The new server will be installed with the existing Vodafone server still in situ to enable a fall-back position. Where rack space concerns exist, we will address this on a case by case basis Comms Notes Your old service will be removed and wiped by Vodafone and disposed of in accordance with regulations
12.d. 4650 – M-Number DVD Automation
Story so far… The purpose of XRN4650 is to provide an alternative delivery mechanism to the M Number DVD via download service The process of transitioning to the alternative delivery mechanism is to be run in parallel of the current delivery mechanisms, however the USB/DVD is to be decommissioned later at date (initial indication after a 12 month period). XRN4650 was discussed at ChMC on 8th August for information only. Change Managers requested for the change to be referred to DSG for technical consideration.
DSG Considerations DSG members are asked to consider the feasibility of a download service to understand potential limitations from an individual organisation perspective. The download service is a replacement deliver mechanism, no changes to the M Number data items, file format or file extension are in scope of this change. M Number DVD is the driver for the download service, however the intention is to move additional services provided via DVD/USB to download at a later date so please include these in your considerations To confirm, Contract Managers will be notified of the phasing out timelines for the M Number DVD/USB service once this has been fully scoped and your considerations will feed into this.
12.e. 4665 – Creation of New EUC Categories
Overview XRN4665 was discussed at ChMC on the 11th July 2018 with the following approvals: Solution: Option 2 - New EUC with same UIG Share Factors Delivery: Option B - New Gas Year October 2019 The delivery will be split into 2 stages June-19 release (proposed) for the UKL (SAP ISU) code deployment October-19 deliver of EUC’s for use in anger
Expected Timeline *Timeline is for illustration purposes only and dates are subject to change
12.f. 4686 – Smart Metering Report
4686 – Smart Metering Report
The objective of this slide is for DSG to provide feedback on the following Change Proposal
Verbal Update to be Provided
12.g. CNC Batch Timings Verbal Update to be Provided
13. Actions
Actions (1) Title Meeting Date Action Owner Status Latest Update 0407
09/04/2018 Read Validation - Xoserve (LW) to speak with (MD) about training process. (ES) to compile an information document and send out to the industry. Xoserve Open 2206 18/06/2018 DSG to consider effectiveness and structure of the meeting DSG 16/08 – DSG meeting agenda revised on 15/08. Progress continues to be made. 2306 DSG to consider how to receive change packs 0708 02/07/2018 SH to confirm availability of the API service Xoserve Simon Harris Closed 16/08 – Completed last week – the slides were provided at the last DSG. Please refer to the minutes from the previous DSG. 0711 02/07/.2018 XRN Reconciliation issued with reads recorded between D-1 and D-5 - Xoserve to impact assess options 3, 4 and 5 16/08 – Update to be provided at DSG on 20/08. 0713 XRN Reject a replacement read where the read provided is identical to that already held in UK Link for the same read date - Xoserve to impact assess the solution options 16/08 – IA due to be provided by end of August. Carry forward to next DSG. 0716 16/07/2018 Confirm impacts of 1st Feb release for XRN4454 consider the options for next extra ChMC 23rd July 0719 XRN4687 Xoserve will look at configurable values being an option Xoserve – Ellie 17/08 – Proposed to close action; it’ll be picked up as part of the solution impact assessment. 0720 16/08/2018 XRN Xoserve to look to see if MPRN level detail can be automatically provided rather than to having to request this. Xoserve - Paul O 0721 : XRN Question for DSG – are there any existing codes expected to be re-used? Or would you want a specific read reason code? 0723 DSG members to encourage attendance at the Release 3 customer day 0724 LW will look in ways of grouping DSG agenda items Xoserve - Linda A 16/08 – Agenda items have been grouped; suggest that this one is closed.
Actions (2) Title Meeting Date Action Owner Status Latest Update 0801
06/08/2018 Michele Downes to identify the materiality of the incorrect AQ values, of the affected MPRNs, by defect, along with any risks, assumptions & caveats Michelle Downes Open 16/08 – Ongoing, intending to issue w/c 20/8. 0802 AMR defect – create a plan: CR to be moved to CP and tabled at September ChMC for visibility. Michele Downes and Emma Smith 16/08 – On track for September ChMC 0803 Michele Downes to plan defect fixing and supporting data. Michele Downes 16/08 – in progress 0804 Christina Francis to provide an update on the target date of completion for Release 2 PIS Christina Francis 16/08 – Will be presented at DSG on 20/08 0805 DSG members to review the downstream impacts of the Release 3 changes listed on slide 20. DSG 0806 DSG members to inform their respective organisations of the Release 3 Market Trials registration survey. All registrations will need to be submitted by 14th August. 0807 Padmini Duvvuri to provide a high level view of the proposed test scenarios at the next DSG meeting. Padmini Duvvuri 0808 Padmini Duvvuri and the Release 3 technical lead to understand if Shippers will receive THICK files 16/08 – The Release 3 project team are currently reviewing this question. 0809 Feedback requested from DSG on MT approach and any additional information needed 0810 Xoserve Customer Change team to review implementation dates on Change Register. Xoserve - CCT 16/08 – Changes in Capture don’t have an implementation date as the requirements are still being defined at this early stage. The identification of the implementation date will occur later in the project.
Actions (3) Title Meeting Date Action Owner Status Latest Update 0812
06/08/2018 XRN4621 Possible Solution Options to be included the Change Pack on 10th August Xoserve - CCT Closed 16/08 – This was included in the Change Pack: Change Pack reference: – RJ- RH 0813 Simon Harris to investigate the following question: what would happen if the API system is down outside of the 08:30 to 17:30 period? (3667a) Simon Harris Open 16/08 – Verbal update to be provided at DSG on 20/08. 0814 For XRN4679, include the solution options, presented at DSG on 6th August, in the Friday 10th Change Pack. 16/08 – This was included in the Change Pack: Change Pack reference: – RJ – RH. 0815 Regarding 4679, David Addison to consider whether an existing reason code would work. David Addison 0816 CNC Solution Options to be included in the Change Pack in September 0817 Xoserve Customer Change team to raise a Change Proposal for the CNC batch timing change. David Addision
14. AOB
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