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Junior English Ms. Gersten

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1 Junior English Ms. Gersten
Thesis Statements Junior English Ms. Gersten

2 What is a thesis? A thesis is the main idea or argument of your paper
It introduces your paper’s argument or central point It is ONE sentence long, and should be the LAST sentence of your introductory paragraph A

3 Why a thesis? The thesis is the MOST IMPORTANT part of your paper
It tells the reader what to expect when reading your paper You cannot write about anything that does not support your thesis!

4 + What goes in a thesis? Your thesis should include 2 main parts:
The name of your revolutionary (your topic) Why that person is a revolutionary (the opinion or argument about the topic) +

5 Common Problems Too broad or too general Not enough of an argument
Define your argument The narrower your thesis is, the easier your paper is to write Not enough of an argument Your thesis should be debatable

6 Avoid three prongs! What is the difference between these two thesis examples? Random drug testing in high school is an unfair practice and should be banned. Random drug testing in high school should not be allowed because it is an invasion of privacy, embarrasses students, and costs too much money.

7 Narrow it down! Topic Michael Jordan Jordan’s style of play
Narrow the topic Michael Jordan’s style of play has changed the focus of basketball from the team to the individual player. Thesis

8 Final Thoughts You can revise your thesis statement whenever you want to while you are writing your essay. Writers often discover what their real purpose and point is in the process of putting their thoughts into words. Remember to change your thesis if the direction of your paper changes.

9 + Now it’s your turn! Write a thesis statement for your research paper
Include 2 main parts: Your revolutionary + why that person is a revolutionary/has changed America/the world +

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