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A contagious disease, one that can be passed from person to person

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1 A contagious disease, one that can be passed from person to person
INFECTIOUS DISEASE A contagious disease, one that can be passed from person to person

2 Chain of Infection Bacteria Protozoa Virus Fungi Worms Prions
Anyone who has little resistance to the pathogen Animal Human Plant Pathogen at risk Host Indirect -droplet, animal or insect bites, toothbrush, food or water body opening body opening Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, anus, vagina, urethra, penis, digestive system, break in the skin Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, anus, vagina, urethra, penis, digestive system, break in the skin CONTACT Direct - body fluids, saliva, blood mucus, semen, vaginal fluid

3 Bacteria - kill with antibiotics
BREAKING THE LINKS AGENT HOST Bacteria - kill with antibiotics Isolate (stay home and rest) SUSCEPTIBLE HOST Vaccines, low stress lifestyle, healthy diet, proper sleep, exercise, wash your hands

PLACE OF ENTRY PLACE OF EXIT Band-aid condom WASH YOUR HANDS COVER OPENING mouth, penis, wound, etc. METHOD OF TRANSMISSION Don’t share personal items, body fluids, food or drinks

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