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umbisikuline tegumood

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Presentation on theme: "umbisikuline tegumood"— Presentation transcript:

1 umbisikuline tegumood
Passive Voice peaaegu nagu umbisikuline tegumood eesti keeles

2 My father built the house.
Active Voice

3 The house was built by my father
Passive Voice

4 My father built the house.
was built by my father


6 Be pööramine am is are was were will be being being been had been
Present Simple was were Past Simple will be Future Simple am Present Continuous is being are was being Past Continuous were have Present Perfect been has Past Perfect had been

7 Kui aktiivlause aluseks on asesõna
(somebody, she, they etc.) siis jäetakse see tavaliselt ära She is cooking dinner. Dinner is being cooked by her. Somebody has stolen my car. My car has been stolen by somebody.

8 John a letter. John A letter
Kui aktiivlauses on 2 sihitist, saab passiivi moodustada kahte moodi: John a letter. Active Somebody has sent John Passive 1. has been sent a letter. A letter has been sent to John. 2.

9 (Alus on - cake, aga kook ise ei tee midagi, seda tehakse)
Compare! Eesti keel Isikuline tegumood: Ta teeb igal pühapäeval kooki. Umbisikuline tegumood: Igal pühapäeval tehakse kooki. (Alust ei ole) English Active Voice: She makes a cake every Sunday. Passive Voice: A cake is made every Sunday. (Alus on - cake, aga kook ise ei tee midagi, seda tehakse)

10 ? Proovi muuta aktiivlause passiivlauseks: They are dancing.
Active They are dancing. Õige - ei saagi, sest sihitist ei ole, mida aluseks panna. ? Passive Võrdle eesti keelega: Nemad tantsivad. (isikuline tegumood) Tantsitakse. (umbisikuline, alust pole)

11 by the time everybody came by the time everybody came
Active was making has made will make is making had made made She makes a cake next now by the time everybody came last every Sunday when I came home - let’s taste! minevik ‘be’ minevikus Passive was being has been had been is being will be was A cake is made when I came home every Sunday last next - let’s taste! by the time everybody came now

12 The End Tutor: Urmas Mark Made In Estonia
Made by Merike Kaus Kolga Keskkool Made in 2002

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