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The Holy Spirit brings total health AFM Midrand Impact

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1 The Holy Spirit brings total health AFM Midrand Impact
Sunday 6 May 2018


3 Main text John 16:7 (GNT) But I am telling you the truth: it is better for you that I go away, because if I do not go, the Helper will not come to you. But if I do go away, then I will send him to you.

4 “I have much more to tell you, but now it would be too much for you to bear.
John 16:12 (GNT)

5 When, however, the Spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, He will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own authority, but He will speak of what He hears and will tell you of things to come. John 16:13 (GNT)

6 He will give Me glory, because He will take what I say and tell it to you. All that My Father has is Mine; that is why I said that the Spirit will take what I give Him and tell it to you. John 16:14-15 (GNT)



9 SPIRIT SOUL BODY Awareness Sight Hearing Mind Sensitivity Taste Touch
God-consciousness SOUL Self-consciousness BODY World-consciousness Awareness Sensitivity Understanding Motivation Mind Will Emotions Sight Hearing Taste Touch Smell

10 The dividing line between Soul and Spirit: 
The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 (GNT)

11 when God heal your inner being your body get healed
Healing in body – when God heal your inner being your body get healed

12 Healing in soul- personality; emotions; passions; Compassion; in mind – thinking

13 our connection with God –
Healing in spirit – our connection with God – Job 32:8 But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.

14 Naaman Is Cured Healings today Jerad testimony

15 Body – Naaman is cured (2 Kings 5)
Healings in the Bible Body – Naaman is cured (2 Kings 5)

16 Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army, was highly respected and esteemed by the king of Syria, because through Naaman the Lord had given victory to the Syrian forces. He was a great soldier, but he suffered from a dreaded skin disease. 2 Kings 5:1 (GNT)

17 His servants went up to him and said, “Sir, if the prophet had told you to do something difficult, you would have done it. Now why can't you just wash yourself, as he said, and be cured?” So Naaman went down to the Jordan, dipped himself in it seven times, as Elisha had instructed, and he was completely cured. 2 Kings 5:13-14 (GNT)

18 His flesh became firm and healthy like that of a child
His flesh became firm and healthy like that of a child. 15 He returned to Elisha with all his men and said, “Now I know that there is no god but the God of Israel; so please, sir, accept a gift from me.” 2 Kings 5:15 (GNT)

19 Peter and John went to pray; they met a lame man on the way
Peter and John went to pray; they met a lame man on the way. He asked for alms and held out his palms, and this is what Peter did say: Acts 3:1-16 (GNT)

20 "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I unto you
"Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I unto you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!“ Acts 3:1-16 (GNT)

21 And he went walking and leaping and praising God, walking and leaping and praising God. "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." Acts 3:1-16 (GNT)

22 Soul and Spirit - Jesus heals a man with evil spirits (Mark 5)
Naaman Is Cured Healings in the Bible Soul and Spirit - Jesus heals a man with evil spirits (Mark 5)

23 Jesus and his disciples arrived on the other side of Lake Galilee, in the territory of Gerasa.  As soon as Jesus got out of the boat, he was met by a man who came out of the burial caves there. This man had an evil spirit in him Mark 5:1-2 (GNT)

24 Day and night he wandered among the tombs and through the hills, screaming and cutting himself with stones. He was some distance away when he saw Jesus; so he ran, fell on his knees before him, Mark 5:5-6 (GNT)

25 and screamed in a loud voice, “Jesus, Son of the Most High God
and screamed in a loud voice, “Jesus, Son of the Most High God! What do you want with me? For God's sake, I beg you, don't punish me!” (He said this because Jesus was saying, “Evil spirit, come out of this man!”) Mark 5:7-8 (GNT)

26  As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had had the demons begged him, “Let me go with you!” But Jesus would not let him. Instead, he told him, “Go back home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how kind he has been to you.” Mark 5:18-19 (GNT)

27  So the man left and went all through the Ten Towns, telling what Jesus had done for him. And all who heard it were amazed. Mark 5:20 (GNT)

28  Total Health is beyond healing:
May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being—spirit, soul, and body—free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (GNT)


30 Belief it and receive it
 The Holy Spirit gives total health Belief it and receive it “But you belong to God, my children, and have defeated the false prophets, because the Spirit who is in you is more powerful than the spirit in those who belong to the world.” 1 John 4:4 (GNT)


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