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Location and Situation

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Presentation on theme: "Location and Situation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Location and Situation
Mangwende Communal Area in Zimbabwe. Semi-commercial farmers Intend to market surplus Maize is dominant, staple and cash crop

2 Description of the Farming System
Cattle Draft power Management Land Communal No title

3 Description of the Farming System
Labor Household (and hired) Cash Crops Remittances

4 Household Composition

5 Household Characteristics

6 Household Characteristics

7 Production Practices for Maize
and Sunflower

8 Annual discretionary income by household

9 Allocation of Land to Selected Crops

10 Area in Low Fertilized Nov. Maize
(first weeding) ha

11 Area in Groundnuts (second weeding) ha

12 Modeling Diversity Within an Agricultural Community in Peru
Victor E. Cabrera

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