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Unpaid Work of Households Satellite Account of Mexico March 12, 2013 New York City Assistance and support to the household's sick.

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Presentation on theme: "Unpaid Work of Households Satellite Account of Mexico March 12, 2013 New York City Assistance and support to the household's sick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unpaid Work of Households Satellite Account of Mexico March 12, 2013 New York City Assistance and support to the household's sick

2 Unpaid work of households Paid work market Leisure (Learning and personal, social, cultural and recreational activities) Leisure (Learning and personal, social, cultural and recreational activities) Distribution of time use

3 Leisure Total work (paid and unpaid) Unpaid work of households Health care Health care Distribution of time use

4 How do they work? Leisure Total work Unpaid work of household Unpaid work of household is equivalent to 21.9% of the national economy

5 Composition of the hours and economic value of unpaid work of household (percentage)

6 Leisure Total work Unpaid work of households Health care How do they work? Health care Leisure Total work Unpaid work of households Health care About 1% of GDP 66% of people who take care of patients at home are women Perspectives of time use

7 With any physical or mental limitation 35.0% Chronic36.1% Health care of households Women perform 3 of every 4 hours of health care Temporal 28.9% Economic value of the health care of household patients

8 Health care Leisure Total work Unpaid work of households Health care Care for the chronically sick It is a phenomenon that involves issues that go beyond health. Three out of ten people would be unwilling to let people sick with HIV / AIDS live at their homes. * It is a phenomenon that involves issues that go beyond health. Three out of ten people would be unwilling to let people sick with HIV / AIDS live at their homes. * * Encuesta Nacional sobre discriminación en México 2010.

9 Health care Leisure Total work Unpaid work of households Health care The statistics allow to analyze the social and health system by acknowledging: a) Who is taking care of the patients? b) Who is being taken care of? c) How many go untreated? The statistics allow to analyze the social and health system by acknowledging: a) Who is taking care of the patients? b) Who is being taken care of? c) How many go untreated? Care for the chronically sick

10 Leisure Total work Unpaid work of household Health care The work included in the satellite account

11 Conociendo México 01 800 111 46 34 @inegi_informa INEGI Informa

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