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(8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes

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1 (8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes
“Concentration and Solubility”

2 (8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes
Key Questions 1. How is concentration measured? 2. What factors affect the solubility of a substance?

3 (8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes
dilute solution- concentrated solution- solubility- saturated solution- unsaturated solution- supersaturated solution- Key Terms

4 (8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes
511 × 511 - Paragraph 1 concentration (ratio solute to solution): amount of solute dissolved in an amount of solvent; dilute solution: a little solute is dissolved in the solution; concentrated solution: a lot of solute is dissolved in the solution; concentration changes when add more solute or add/remove solvent.

5 (8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes
511 × 511 - Paragraph 2 solubility: measure of the amount of added solute at a given T; saturated solution: when no more solute dissolves; unsaturated solution: can still add more solute; a physical property of a substance.

6 (8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes
511 × 511 - Paragraph 3 Factors affecting solubility: pressure; type of solvent; temperature; Note: in gases, higher pressure the more gas can dissolve.

7 (8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes
511 × 511 - Paragraph 4 sometimes solutions can’t form; solute and solvent don’t mix (oil & water); ionic/polar compounds dissolve in polar solvents; nonpolar compounds don’t dissolve in polar solvents.

8 (8th) Chapter 7-2 Cornell Notes
511 × 511 - Paragraph 5 Usually solids dissolve better w/ higher T; Usually gases don’t dissolve w/ higher T ; solution dissolves more solute at higher T; supersaturated solution more dissolved solute than used; can remove extra solute w/ solute crystal.

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