Phylum Annelida (segmented worms).

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Annelida (segmented worms)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Annelida (segmented worms)

2 Main Characteristics segments true coelom (body cavity)

3 Annelids Include: earthworms marine worms leeches
This is a scale worm (Polychaetes). They live 1000 meters below the water’s surface and can turn their mouths inside out.

4 Other Traits - Annelida means “little rings”
- body segments separated by septum ** Septum = internal wall

5 -some have bristles called setae
-have closed circulatory system -have well-developed nervous system (brain)

6 - sexual reproduction in annelids
- some are hermaphrodites

7 Class Oligochaeta – Earthworm
-Few setae -Live in soil or fresh water -Castings - enrich soil, (worm poop)



10 Class Hirudinea -Leeches -external parasites with suckers on each end
-medicinal uses (circulation, anti-clotting) 


12 Leeches being bred for medical uses.

13 Class Polychaeta -includes: sandworms, bloodworms, fireworms
Marine worms -includes: sandworms, bloodworms, fireworms -have paddle-like appendages with setae

14 Nereis

15 Featherduster

16 Fireworm


18 Recap: Taxonomy Kingdom Animalia Phylum Annelida Class Oligochaeta (earthworms) Class Hirudinea (leeches) Class Polychaeta (marine worms) *All are segmented, and have a coelom

19 Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Mollusca (means “soft”)
Mollusks Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Mollusca (means “soft”)

20 What is a Mollusk? Soft body with internal or external shell
Ex: snails, slugs, clams, squids, and octopi Trochophore larva

21 Body plan: Visceral mass – internal organs Mantle – covers the body
Foot – takes on many forms Shell – (present in most)

22 Groups of Mollusks Gastropods Bivalves Cephalopods
Three major classes of mollusks Gastropods Bivalves Cephalopods

23 Gastropod snails, slugs, and nudibranchs Shell-less or single shelled
Move by a muscular foot Some are poisonous, bright colors

24 Snail

25 Slug

26 Nudibranchs (sea slugs)
Check out the nudibranch gallery at nationalgeographic

27 Bivalves (things with 2 shells)
Such as clams, scallops

28 Cephalopods octopi, squids, cuttlefish, and nautilus
soft-bodied , head is attached to foot foot is divided into tentacles with sucking disks small internal shells or no shell at all

29 Cuttlefish (the chameleon of the sea)

30 Nautilus is only cephalopod with shell
Squid have a modified shell called a pen Well developed eyes most complex of the mollusks

31 Octopus (creeps on tentacles)

32 Octopus Creepin’

33 Octopus versus Shark

34 Squid

35 Btw… Squid vs. OctopusBoth squid and octopus are aquatic animals with eight long arms. In addition to their eight arms, squid also have two long tentacles. They also have two fins on their head, unlike the octopus. Whereas an octopus has no hard shell or bone in its body, squid have a stiff backbone-like structure called a pen. A squid is any of a variety of cephalopod with a long, soft, thin body and 10 arms (eight shorter arms and two long tentacles) and two fins on its head. Squid vary in size from very small to over 65 feet in length. They prey upon fish and crustaceans. Some squid have the ability to emit an inky cloud as a defense mechanism. Their tentacles may have hooks, suckers, or sucker rings. They live in the open ocean. An octopus is any of a variety of cephalopod with a round head, soft body and 8 strong tentacles, each with two rows of suckers. Octopi range from 1 cm to over 5 meters in length. They live on the sea floor and obtain food by piercing it and injecting it with venom.

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